Macaque 🌙 (part 3)

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[Tw: Go!re, Swearing, B!ood]


(Mingzu POV)

Once Ying fell back to sleep I got up carefully from the bed not for her to wake up, she needs that sleep I can almost see the eyebags forming under her eyes, i closed the door shut and walked out of the apartment, anger filling me up

"Time to meet an old friend again..."

(Mingzu POV)

As I arrived to the scene I couldn't believe Macaque would go this far with Wukong, I watched as Macaque and wukong were fighting I turned to see Mk stuck unable to hold his staff that was trapping him.. "Mk!" I whispered popping from behind him not wanting to be seen by them two "Mingzu! Quick help me!" He said sweating "Mk...listen to me dear, you need to, you are the monkey kid only you can because you can believe in yourself and your power" I sighed "I'll only help you once you are able to get out" I hummed, now hiding myself letting the battle play out.

Until some minutes Mk had gotten his control on his staff however then a voice spoke up "WATCH OUT!" A white and blue flash quick like a blink of an eye, hit Macaque on the eye where he got...scarred. "Ying! how did she get here so fast?" I mumbled still in my hiding spot. "" Macaque groaned "NOW OR NEVER MK!" Ying shouted giving Mk the signal.

[ I pretty much forgot a bit of what happened during this scene HA- sorry I'm just gonna start when the blast happens]

"You alright there kid?" Wukong spoke now seeing Ying with multiple cuts on her "Y-yep! All good!" She chuckled "Ah..Ying what am I gonna do with you." I chuckled scaring her from behind "Mingzu!!" Ying seemed happy to see me "about time you got out of you hiding spot!" She added. Wait... "you saw me?" I mumbled feeling embarrassed "Yep! It was kind of easy to spot you!".

A laugh was then cut off "Good to see you in the flesh, White snake lady !" Wukong spoke, " yea,yea how about you focus on your kid, Wukong".

{A sight to behold} (LMK x Oc) (Redson x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now