Macaque 🌙 (part 1)

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[Mingzu Temple]
(3rd POV)

As Mingzu and Ying are training with bamboo sticks as training weapon so none of them could get hurt by the katana.

As they trained Mingzu haves some heads up to Ying and so on as they fought.
Now it's was break time for them two.

(Ying POV)

I gasp for air as I plop myself next to Mingzu who put the bamboo sticks back in her temple and then sat next to me, "Tired already hm?" Mingzu chuckled watching as I was focusing on my breathing "Pretty much." I replied grabbing my water bottle I packed in my bag and chugged the whole thing. I noticed that Mingzu was staring off in the distance with a serious yet confused look, "Something wrong..?" I questioned, she didn't answer "helloooo?" I waved my hand in front of her in which she looked at me "You should go back to the city till they call you" She said sternly, "wha-" my phone then rang I looked to see who was calling me "Mei?" I answered the phone to see Mei on the phone. "YING YOU GOTTA COME HERE NOW PLEASE" She said showing some type of big shadow monster towering over the city, "Woah, well I guess I'll see you there then" "PLEASE DO I ALREADY CALLED MK HE IS COMING TOO NOW PLEASE HURRY" "OK OK IM COMING" I said hanging up the phone and look at Mingzu "How in the fuck did you predicted that...WAIT CAN WE TELL WHAT WILL HAPPEN SO-" "Save your questions for later and go." She ordered "Y-yes! Ma'am!" I stuttered as I summoned my large snake and hopped on it which then took me to the city.

(Back with Mingzu)

I watched as Ying snake took off with her on it and sighed "Why now...they are just kids.."


"OH HEY MK!" I smiled noticing Mk was there now "HEY YING!" Mk said back with a smile "FINALLY WHAT TOOK YOU GUYS SO LONG" Mei shouted "Is it that bad?" I titled my head to her which she nodded repeatedly "Ok, be right back!" Mk said already zooming off with his staff the the shadow monster while Mei was saying no to him a million times which he didn't hear. "Here. Comes. MONKEY KI- AHHH" Mk shouted as he was flung back to the ground by the monster and then slammed to the ground. "Ooh..yea..we tried that" Mei said scratching the back of her neck. I look to see Pigsy down too while Sandy dramatically dropped a little napkin on him "ouch..". A sudden shadow then came which led to someone jumping on top of the buildings to the monster. "Is that..?" "Monkey King?" Mk joined in with Mei, i squinted my eyes to get a better look at the so called 'monkey king' which then used a spiked staff and somehow made the monster go away!
"Well damn." I said I noticed Mk climbing up to the building where the figure was which I then followed him up. Was I curious? Yes. Did I care if it was something bad?

"YEAH MONKEY- AHHHHHH" Mk then slipped and fell off the building ledge which he then got up surprisingly quickly while i was holding on for dear life. "THAT WAS AWESOME, I CANT BELIEVE YOU CAME BACK TO..." Mk stopped in his sentence and realised it wasn't monkey king. "Oh, this is awkward, your not Monkey King" "Heh, I get that a lot. Monkey kid. Right?" The voice spoke, Mk gasped "How did you!" "Your staff gives it away, not anyone can wield that thing" i couldn't really see who it was and i then shouted "A LITTLE HELP HERE MK?!" "OH! RIGHT, SORRY" Mk said finally helping me up. i finally got a better at the dude, he did look like Monkey King just different, red markings, black fur, and a red scarf. "Uh.. sorry, but who are you?" I questioned. "Heh, Macaque, actually uh, the six eared macaque is my full name but ya know..cya around Mk and Ying..".

"wait a s-" "CAN YOU TEACH ME THAT AWESOME THING!" Mk said butting in now being in front of Macaque face with stars in his eyes

"God fucking damnit Mk..."

[to be continued..]

{hello 🧍‍♂️ I'm alive :D}

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