=Noodles or Death= (Part 2)

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(TW: Swearing, Blood)


"And you lot.. will do." The Spider Queen slid herself away. Tang nervously chuckles. "Uh... do for what?" He asked with a worried smile. Spider Queen began to laugh, licking her lips. "Dinner," She laughs menacingly, pulling herself up with her webs as both Pigsy and Tang look at each other in fear "Except for you" she added now turning to me, "Huh..?" I spoke dumbfounded "Mhm~! You could be some use since your Mingzu successor" She hummed "Well great..." I mumbled 'this is going to be a while' I thought.

[Ying POV]

While me Tang and Pigsy were still trapped in the cocoon we watched as Spider Queen but all sorts of weird things in a pot fit to pit someone in "Don't worry, Pigsy and Ying. The kid is going to rescue us any minute" Tang said to us as the spider Queen broke the silence, while she heard them. "No one is going to save both of you, sweet thing!" She said as she was putting the ingredients inside the big pot. "Shows what you know! Our friend, Monkie Kid is probably already on his way!" Tang said as I realised, he just made a big mistake for saying that. "The Monkie Kid? Why would he come and help you?" The Spider Queen asked as I stared at Tang shaking my head to not tell her "Well, I'm like a father figure. I think you better let us go. Before he comes and, uh.. squish you with Monkey King's Legendary staff!" Tang said "Tang, you son of a bitch" I mumbled. "Hmm. Interesting. I'm afraid dinner will have to wait" She said as we were getting scared of her. "We gotta get this place ready for company" She said to us as she left to prepare for the others. "Don't worry, guys. MK is not gullible to fell into one of her traps" Tang said. "Really!? Well, we need to find a way out of here before, our friends will be in trouble!" I said to myself as I was struggling so hard until A giant blast broke through the wall. I saw it was MK, Mei & Sandy.

"Thanks god.." I sighed relieved "Pigsy! Tang! Ying!" Sandy said as they found us. Suddenly Mei and Sandy were then caught in the webs as Mk looked like he was gonna piss himself "Mei! Sandy!" Mk said looking around for the enemy until he laid eyes on Spider Queen "Don't tell me your scared of spiders?" She questioned "KID RUN!!" Pigsy shouted managing to get the spider webs off his mouth, Mk started to run from her, while i watched them. "No..no,no,no,no!! HE IS GONNA GET HIMSELF KILLED!!" I shouted using all my strength to get out of the cocoon, I then heard a snap from above me not really paying attention to what will happen I then fell down to the spikes that were below me making me release from the cocoon and one of the spike stabbing me on the side of my stomach "AGH!!" I screamed in pain "KID!" "I-Its o-okay I-I can get out of it" I said now lifting myself off carefully to remove the spike that was on the side of my stomach, it took in a lot of effort but finally got released "KID YOUR BLEEDING!!" Pigsy shouted in a worried tone seeing my state "I WILL BE FINE" "STOP SAYING THAT YING, YOU ARE CLEARLY NOT!" Tang shouted worried too. "I-I...I know that I'm bleeding but I'll still live, Mk is in more danger than me" I sighed giving them a smile running to were Mk was "KID/YING, NO!!" Tang and Pigsy shouted trying to call me back.

"Where are you Mk..." I mumbled still running through the tunnels stopping the blood from flowing out of me with a cloth I asked Baizhu for. I then heard Spider Queen now knowing I'm close, I followed the voice now reaching to my destination to see Mk stuck on a spider web as Spider Queen kept talking to him until Mk questioned her "What are you planning to do with Ying?" "So that's her name, Ying, Well, you already know she is now the new White Snake Lady hm~? She holds Mingzu powers in her, a power that can cause chaos to those who are mortals and well....immortals.." She answered putting her hands behind her back "That's why I thought to use her as my little helper to conquer this pitiful world!" She laughed "It's a shame though, I hoped to take her powers away from her" "Why not?" "Can't you see, she is a curse! I wouldn't want to live with curse if I did, can you imagine having such a powerful power but with such a horrible curse!!" She said now pissed "Well what dose the curse do?" "I'm surprised you don't know the story boy, you know everything about Monkey King but don't know a single bit about the White Snake Lady" "I-I do! I know that Mingzu helped people for good and not for bad!" "But do you know why she is NOW a curse even if she 'helped' mortals?!" She shouted now angry, Mk stayed silent thinking for a second "Exactly." She chuckled evilly making Mk in fear now. "LEAVE...HIM...ALONE!!" I shouted getting Spider Queen attention already dashing towards her katana in my hand.

[Spider Queen POV]

I turn to see her already so close seeing her katana close to my neck already I quickly dodged it backing away from her 'so fast...' I thought "You hurt my friends.... I WILL HURT YOU!! YOU BITCH!!" She shouted her eyes now a blood red with pupils now like a cats, her cheeks now having white outlined scales like a snake. She charged at me again now with an outlined snake trailing with her katana as she started to fight me.

[3rd POV]

"GET HER YING! YOU GOT THIS!!" Mk rooted watching the fight happen in front of him. Mei,Tang,Pigsy and Sandy then arrived shocked seeing the fight happening "Holly shit, HOW DID YING GET SO GOOD AT HER FIGHTING SKILLS IN A FEW DAYS, AWESOME!!" Mei squealed with stars in her eyes "Hey, you! Bug lady!" Pigsy said as three of them turned to him. "Here comes Monkie Kid's... Friends!" Tang said as he was trying to make a catchphrase. "That's right! We got a catchphrase too!" Pigsy said as the Spider Queen glare at them.

"You and the others are terrible guest. And very annoying too" Spider Queen said as Mei was glaring at them "You were trying to eat my best friend! And also these guys! Even, trying to make my other bestie your little helper! You're going to eat this! Fire, Mo!" Mei said as she press the button, while Mo attacks the Spider Queen as she was dodging the laser. "MK! Ying! It's time to go!" Mei said as they were about to go but, the staff was stuck on the ground. Ying was trying to help him to get it out but, Spider Queen was now in front of us as she tries to attack them "Get off me! And Ying!" MK said as we were dodging her until the ground of the floor broke, while we all fell through the hole as we screams in fear. Then me & Sandy saw water underneath us all. "Water adventure? It's a water adventure! MK! Ying! Come on!" Sandy said as they both came onto his boat until they were in the water. Finally all of them were going through the tunnel until making it out of the Spider Queen hideout.

[Ying POV]

I sighed in relief that we were finally got out of that shit hole. A sting of pain started in the wound I had "AGH SON OF A BITCH!!" I hissed seeing the wound bleeding more and more staining my haori "KID! HANG ON, WE GOTTA NEED TO BANDAGE IT UP!" Pigsy said laying me on the ground for Mei to start the process already having the med kit in her hand ( I thought like Mei would be good at this medical stuff so yea ) "IT HURTS!!" I screamed tears rolling down my cheeks, Mei then started to take off my Haori and then rolling up my sleeveless turtleneck shirt up to my chest for only to reveal the wound "It's okay! You got this! it will only hurt for a second trust me." Mei reassured me dabbing a white cloth with some alcohol on the wound. I was still crying dealing with the pain, Mei then stitched up the wound and on the back as well finally wrapping it up with the bandage wrap that was in the med kit. "There, all done." She sighed pulling me into a hug, I hugged back even tighter "I needed this.." I muffled still hugging her, she giggled patting my head "HEY! Lemme get in this hug!" Mk whined already hugging us "Hehe! Group Hug~!!" I cheered as all three of us hugged maybe a bit to tight "ow! Hehe!" I giggled still hugging them.

[1539 words]

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