・- The Great Wall Race -・( Part 1 )

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(Tw: Swearing, Blood)

(Ying POV)

"Once a year, this city becomes more than a city. Once a year, these streets, become more than streets. This year, the winner will become immortal!" The television said. "A peach of immortality!" Mk whispered as me, Mk, and Mei and stars in our eyes and looked at each other. "Uh, a peach of what now?" Pigsy asked. The three of us looked at him with shocked faces and gasped. We then were all shouting at Pigsy about the peach of immortality. Tang cleared his throat for everyone to get his attention. "If you'll allow me." He said as he was holding a book in one hand and adjusting his glasses with the other. "Legend says that there is a sacred field of trees which grows in the heavenly realm, protected by the gods themselves. Every few thousand years, these trees bring forth the peaches of immortality. Against the wishes of the heavenly host, the Monkey King took them all, making himself immortal." Tang explained. "Uh, hold up. I thought Monkey King was already immortal?" Pigsy said. "Piggy, you're missing the point!" Mei said. "Yeah, who ever wins the race will-"

(Redson POV now)

"Live forever!"I said said holding a poster for the race. I noticed that they weren't paying attention. "A-are you two even listening?!" I shouted. "Uh, something about peaches? Look, your schemes are quaint but I never much cared for stone fruit." Mother said as she approached me and turned her head. "But, the peaches are powerful!" I said. "Like the weather station was powerful?" She asked as she turned her head back to me. "Why don't you just run along, hmm? Can't you see mommy and daddy have important business with an ancient power source." She said as she showed that the mysterious power source is almost out of the ground by the bull clones. "Fine! You two stay here in your hole, digging your mysterious power source. I am going to win the race, and when I get that peach, I'M NOT SHARING!!" I shouted as I left the room and headed for the garage.

(Back with Ying POV)

"This is huge! Those other racers won't stand a chance!" Mk said, getting all hyped up for the race. "Right! I know the track like the back of my hand! The back alley, the front alley, the sideways alley, All The Alleys! I was made for this!" Mei said. "Yep! I'm totally gonna win this thing. . " Mk said. "Wait, what?!"  Mei said. "Your not racing I'm racing! You've been watching me train for months! This should not be a surprise!" Mei said. "Oh, yeah. Uh, I just thought that you were doing that stuff for me Mei." Mei then towered over Mk and showed the green Chinese dragon from the house and the battlefield "You guys calm down, not in here." I sighed "How would you even- *scrambled words* There is no way you'd beat me! "Mei said as she turning around, turning her back to him and crossed her arms. "Uh, I so to could beat you! I'm a delivery boy! I'm pretty sure I know how to drive real good." Mk said. Then Tang walked out holding a flag that showed Mei's face on it. They turned their heads at him an came to him.

"Mr. Tang, who's the better driver, Mei or Me!" Mk said. Then he saw the flag and gasped. "This is very uncomfortable." He said and ran off "Whatever! I'm absolutely going to win!" Mk said. "How? you know you need a vehicle to race, right." Me and Mei said. "Oh I got a vehicle!" Mk said and ran off. "Aren't you gonna go on your bike Ying?" Mei asked as she got on hers. "Well, Mingzu wanted to fix it today and by the looks of it. It's gonna take a while." I said. "Oh, so I'm guessing that you can't enter the race?" She asked. "Well not exactly." I said as she raised a brow "You'll find out soon, see ya at the starting line!" I smiled "See you there!!" Mei shouted driving off. I pulled out my phone and quickly messaged Red.

Hey Red! I was wondering if you want to be my partner for the race? It's okay if you don't want to.

Sure thing, I'll see you there in the starting line.

'I'm surprised he actually said yes.' I thought seeing the reply.

Sweet! See you soon :D

I then quickly started to run to the race arena. In while of running I then realised "I CAN TELEPORT, FUCK SAKE WHY DO I FORGET!!" I grumbled focusing where to teleport 'race arena' i thought

[ Now at the Race Arena ]

"WHAT THE- YING, STOP DOING THAT, IT SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!" I heard a voice bringing into my senses that I teleported at the race arena "Sorry, force of habit." I shrugged seeing Mei, Mk and Red there.

[834 words]

(This is a small chapter today since I'm pretty much sick and don't have the energy to type more)

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