'.~Duplication~.' (Part 1)

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(Slight cursing, Blood, [Gore??] )


'Just rest Ying, I can't really explain it to you now, maybe next time....see you in the morning.' Mingzu sighed. I hummed resting my eyes dozing off to sleep.


(Ying POV)


'BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE-' I slammed the alarm button off that was bothering me in my sleep "I don't remember putting it on last night..." I muttered gaining the energy to start my day by getting out of this comfy bed. As walking out of my bedroom I headed straight to the kitchen to have tea having the tea cup and bag in front of me "Mourning" "Mourning.." I replied back not really paying attention but by making tea "wait..." I said turning to see a woman in front of me drinking some tea as well "HOLY SHIT, MINGZU??" I screamed nearly spilling the hot kettle onto the floor "The one and only." She cheekily said placing her tea on the counter "I didn't know when I would appear myself to you until I did around sunrise." She smiled "OH MY GOODNESS, YOUR SO PRETTY MINGZU!!" I squealed like a child, she started to laugh showing her fangs a bit "Ahaha! Thank you." She replied taking another sip of her tea, I went back on making my tea nearly forgetting it was there "We will might need to go somewhere more spacious and I have a place in mind so I suggest you pack some food with you and such" "How long?" I questioned finally done with making my tea and taking a sip "mm, probably like 2 days." She answered "TWO DAYS!!" "Calm down, it wont be that bad in fact I have a feeling you'll enjoy it there." She reassured finishing drinking her tea now wandering around the apartment. I sighed looking at me tea I gulped it down even though it was hot as hell "I shouldn't have done that" I muttered "Agreed" Mingzu said watching the whole thing that just happened "Well, don't just stand there go get ready!" She chuckled "Oh! right!" I said running back into my room packing the things I needed.

[Few minutes later]

"Okay let's go!!" I said about to head out before I stopped in my tracks "Wait, what about you though you will immediately get recognised" I said turning to face her since she was behind me "Ying, I have been a curse for more than years! Name one person who would think I'm the white snake lady. And besides YOU are the white snake lady now , I have been the previous white snake lady so it'll be fine" she reassured. I nodded turning back to the door opening it and heading out. As i about to place the bag I had on the motorcycle Mingzu stopped me "Yea I don't think we will be using that today we will need to walk to get there." She said admiring the city around her "But,but what if-" "no buts we have to walk, how about we say a quick goodbye to your friends while we are at it?" She suggested  now facing me "Okay!!" I cheered walking with Mingzu already.

[At Pigsy Noodles]

"Here we are!" I happily announced " Pigsy noodles huh?..well I'm craving for noodles now." Mingzu said, I walked in with Mingzu following me behind "Morning!" I said to the gang that were in there doing their thing "Where's Mk?" "He'll be back just went to deliver some noodles." Tang said looking up at me eating his noodles, he then stopped noticing Mingzu behind me "Who's she?" Tang said pointing his chopsticks at her, I turn to giving her a look of 'can I tell them' which she understood and nodded "This is Mingzu! Aka the White Sn-" I was cut off by Tang "THE WHITE SNAKE LADY!!" He shouted stars in his eyes, he then cleared his throat and spoke again but in a proper manner " It is a pleasure to meet you White Snake Lady" bowing his head down. Mingzu seemed a bit confused but shook it off "Well it's nice to meet you as well, Tang was it?" She smiled tilting her head at the end if she got his name right, "WOAH YOUR SO PRETTY!!" Mei awed next to her taking a picture with her "I KNOW RIGHT THATS WHAT I SAID!" I replied.

"Can I have some noodles?" Mingzu questioned to Pigsy who was just standing there "Sure thing, what would you like?" "Uhhhhh, surprise me I don't really mind with any to be honest" She replied taking a seat next to Tang "You got it." Pigsy nodded heading to the kitchen making the noodles now. "Hey Ying! Hel-" Mk said coming inside but shocked to see Mingzu "WAIT, WAIT, WAIT ARE YOU MINGZU, THE WHITE SNAKE LADY?!?" Mk questioned "Yep, well I was the previous white snake lady, Ying is now the white snake lady if you guys have forgot" She answered pointing at me at the end "Here" Pigsy said handing the noodles to Mingzu "It smells spicy" I said as handing him the money "She said to surprise her so I did" He replied "Oh okay, anyway I might be gone for 2 days Mingzu is gonna train me somewhere!" I announced hands in the air "Where?" Mk questioned "I don't know she said somewhere, right Mingzu" I shrugged "Mhm!" Mingzu said giving me a thumbs up while eating her spicy noodles "She kinda acts like Monkey King" Mk whispered in my ear I giggled agreeing to his statement "I heard that." Mingzu said giving me and Mk a death stare, it felt like I shrunk in place while Mk questioned "How can you hear me I LITERALLY WHISPERED IN HER EAR!!" "Well my ears aren't just for show on how it's pointy kid, I can hear things even if they whisper in there most lowest voice." She said chugging the broth down "and I am NOT like that asshole" she said slamming the now empty noodle bowl now done drinking the broth  "RUDE! WHAT IS SO BAD ABOUT MOKEY KING IM LITERALLY THE MONKEY K-" "Monkey Kid, yea I know. Has he even trained you yet on how to use your monkey powers?" Mingzu cut him off turning to face him with a concerned look "no...BUT HE WILL!" Mk answered, Mingzu sighed "If you say so kiddo. Just take care of yourself and don't stress out okay? I'll be here if you need to talk even your friends and..god I can't believe I'm saying this but even Monkey King too" She said walking up to him ruffling his hair, He smiled at her giving a nod going back to delivering noodles "GOOD LUCK YING AND ALSO MINGZU HE IS NOT AN ASSHOLE!" Mk said walking out of the door with a bag of noodle in his hand "Yea,yea whatever" Mingzu chuckled.

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