・- The Great Wall Race -・( Part 2 )

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[TW: swearing, blood]

"WHAT THE- YING, STOP DOING THAT, IT SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!" I heard a voice bringing into my senses that I teleported at the race arena "Sorry, force of habit." I shrugged seeing Mei, Mk and Red there.

(Ying POV)

"Oh hey Red!" I smiled walking to Redson taking the helmet he had in his hand "Your being Redson partner in the race?" Mei questioned "Yep, it's gonna be fun!" I cheered sitting in the car now, I look to see Mk having a shocked expression still "Uh...Mk?" "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE GOING TO BE REDSON PARTNER?!" He whined "You seemed pretty busy with you complaining with Mei." I answered ". . . Good point".

Then we heard a loud noise coming from behind, and a shadow towering us and the other racers. The other racer ran away out of fear. We looked behind us to see it was Red's parents and their vehicle. "Oh, it looks like we got some last minute scratches as DBK and Princess Iron Fan joined the race." 'Huh, wait aren't they already immortal...?' I thought in my head. "Yeah and totally unrelated, we're the new commentators! And despite saying some, we went ahead and altered the race track." Jin said and laughed. "WHAT!?!?" Me, Mei, and Mk shouted. "That's right! Here's your starting line, here's your finish line. Get there anyway you like." Yin said showing everyone the map of the new track of where it starts and end. "On Your Marks!" Jin said. "Hold on!" Mei shouted in protest. "Get Set!" Yin said.
"Wait, What?!" Red Son questioned. "GO!!" They both shouted. The parents started their engines and bumped us out of the way.

"Sorry darling, we'll meet you at the finish line!" She then laughed. "Yeah, we'll see you at the finish line!" Mk mimicked Princess Iron Fan and her laugh. Mei then hopped back on her bike and went off. I could tell which button to press in the vehicle. The both of us press the final button to get us started on the race. We didn't even notice it. I was on offence, defense, and speed while Red was on driving. "Get Back Here!" Red Son yelled. Our car jumped up from a ramp, when we landed Mei, Red Son and me, and Red Son's parents were neck to neck on the track and Mk managed to land in front of everyone, but had some trouble getting control of his vehicle. "And it's becoming majorly known that some drivers are better then others." Yin said over the intercom as everyone turned a lot of corners. "Oh, that is a very sharp corner." Yin said. We were right next to to DBK and Princess Iron Fan. Red Son let out a laugh a victory "That was a cute laugh- STOP IT BRAIN!' I shouted in my head. " Our victory is assured!" I shouted. "You're Never Going To Make This Turn!" Red Son shouted at his father. We then pasted them as we
heard "I TURN FOR NO ONE!!" He shouted as they crashed and went into the mountain. Then there was a boom sound as they went in which shook the place. "Oh! They are literally driving threw the mountain! It's a bold move." Jin said. "Very ambitious. So I guess we'll catch up with them on the other side of the mountain." Yin said. The car went faster on the track. I climbed out of my seat, Red Son noticed this "Wait, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" He shouted.
"GIVING US A BOOST JUST FOCUS ON THE DRIVING!" I shouted back "BAIZHU!" I shouted showing my right arm in front of me "Baizhu?" Redson questioned dumbfounded not knowing who I was talking to.

Baizhu then appeared on my palm so confused around his surroundings "I NEED MY WEAPON PLEASE!!" He nodded summoning the katana in my hand then wrapping himself around my neck to experience what is happening. "Let's hope this shit will work..." I mumbled focusing on the energy now converting into the katana, I then slashed the katana on with the drawn out snake coming out of it onto the ground which made us speeding off  "That was a bit TOO much energy huh?" I said looking at Baizhu who just seemed happy on what I did "IS THAT A SNAKE!?" Redson shouted looking over to see Baizhu around my neck "Oh yea you didn't meet Baizhu huh?..Welp" I said hopping back in my seat "Baizhu this is Redson, Redson this is Baizhu my little snake friend and little helper!" I smiled "Well what makes him your little helper?" "He keeps my katana when I don't need it and summons mostly anything! Ain't that right Baizhu~?" I cooed at the snake scratching his neck which made his snake tail wag. "Interesting." Redson smiled scratching the snake neck to with his free hand that wasn't on the wheel.

We've caught up with Mei and Mk. "Get out of our way Noodle Boy!" Red Son shouted. "NEVER!" Mk shouted as Mei then. We also sped past Mk, leaving him to eat our dust. "Hey No Fair!" We heard Mk shout. Mei was ahead of us and we were close but also far behind her. "And at this point, the only way Mei's not going to win is if some sort of flying fool i's gonna crash into her from above." Jin said. "Wait, what?" I said as we heard that as we saw that Mk crashed into her from above. "Yep, just as I said, that's just really, really unlucky." Jin said.

We were getting closer as we dodged Mk and the noodle cart, and Red Son decided to show off by doing a few circles in front of him and went off.
"Sorry Mk, cya at the finish line~!" I chimed. "Yes, Victory is ours!" we then laughed. "You know, maybe when the race is over we can go somewhere and eat or just, ya know have fun ?" I asked Red Son. "S-sure." He said with a little blush. "I-I'm sorry, I made it sound like we're going on a date." I said and chuckled nervously. "N-no, no it's fine." He said. "Red Son and Ying has the commanding lead now." Jin said. "Will all the other drivers out of the race?" Yin asked. "I can see the finish line!" I shouted. "Soon victory will be ours!" he shouted. "Yeah, it looks like Red Son and Ying are going to win!" Yin said. Red Son let out a victory laugh until a shake made us jump from our seats and landed back in them. I looked behind us to see a giant puff of smoke from far away on the track. There appeared an unknown vehicle that had the Monkey King logo. "Oh, it looks like Mei and Mk are back in the race!" Yin shouted. "Oh they finally stopped arguing. That's good. . . WAIT WE CANT LET THEM WIN!" I said as they were right behind us. They then sped up and rammed their car into ours which demolished them. Mk used his powers to form the car back together, but the four of us were in there. When we were all squished in there, Red Son's eyes were then set a blaze.

The both of us popped out of the car and fell on the tracks and crashed into one of the track walls. "God. Fucking. Damn it. Owwww...." I wheezed as Red Son was dazed and the both of us were in so much pain. "It is all over! Mei and Mk win!" Yin shouts in his microphone. The both of us made it to were everyone was crowding the pedestal that Mei and Mk were holding a golden trophy of the peach. Red Son then stomped and his body surrounded in flames as he shouted "NOODLE BOY!" as he scared everyone away "You insufferable, that peach should be ours!" He shouted. "Ha! Your never getting this fruit!" Mk shouted back and he tried to take a bite out of it but it sounded like metal and teeth breaking. Mk fell off in pain from the bite. "I don't think that it's ripe yet." He said. "Um, guys it looks like a trophy." I said. "Yeah, because it is Ying. We don't really get a peach of immortality." Mei replied. "What?!" Mk said as he got up. "B-b-b-but the poster says.." Mk says stuttering. "it says right there on the poster." Red Son confirmed. "I'm now completely confused." I said as I was trying to progress on what just happened, even Baizhu did aswell. Mei fell on her back and started laughing and holding her stomach. "It says you get immortality by having your picture projected on the great wall. Duh!" She said as she pointed to the great wall to see a projection of Mei laughing and Mk taking a bite out of the trophy.

"PFFT- nice photo Mk." I laughed "OH. HA. HA." He sarcastically laughed I started to laugh again "I can't believe that the three of us fall for that!" I then fell to the floor and started crying out of laughter. "Oh, so the peach is a metaphor?" Mk questioned. "Oh, okay." Mk said in disappointment. Red Son then started mixing his word until he got them correct. "I knew that! You think your so..." Then he disappeared in a whirlpool of flames. But then stopped behind us, and turned his head and shouted "Peasants!" and walked off "Cya Red!" I waved him goodbye but he couldn't really notice since he already went.

"How did you get Redson as your partner?" Mk said petting Baizhu who just enjoyed it "Eh, that doesn't really matter now, all that matter you guys are not fighting." I stated crossing my arms and smiling "Yea we did, sorry you had to see us arguing Ying" "It's all good as long your guys are not at each other's necks anymore" I said wrapping both my arms around Mei and Mk bringing them in a group hug. "ONWARD WE GO!!" I cheered walking with them now.

[1703 words]

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