♪A friendly reunion♪

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(Slight Cursing)

(Ying POV)

"You WHAT?!!!" I shouted nearly dropping my phone to the ground "I might have suggested Iron Fan and DBK to come over for tea.....with Redson. . . Today" Mingzu said rubbing the back of her neck "MINGZU WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HAVE TO ALSO SAY REDSON TOO?!! HE HATES ME BY NOW!! AND TODAY" I worriedly shouted now walking back and forth like a maniac "Maybe he wont hate you today" Mingzu assured me stoping me in my tracks before i go crazy " You two could get along, properly this time trust me little flower" She smiled putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Alright" I sighed "But now i need to clean this place, you should've told be earlier!!!" I said now rolling my sleeves already marching off to start cleaning. I could hear Mingzu laugh at my antics "Okay then you do that little flower ill prepare your clothes" Mingzu said.

[A few Minutes later]

I finally finished the mopping the floor and was now ready to get ready in my clothes that Mingzu got out for me, i opened the door to my room to see the clothes she layed down on the bed "Oh, I haven't worn this in a while...hope it still fits"

(This is how it looks btw)

I carefully putted on the dress surprised it still fits from these past years since the last time i worn this

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I carefully putted on the dress surprised it still fits from these past years since the last time i worn this.. I sighed looking at myself in the full length mirror adjusting this flowing long black skirt a bit. "Ying! You done yet?" Hummed Mingzu "C-coming!!" I replied back untying the ribbons in my hair leaving in down. I headed out of my room to see Mingzu setting the tea tray out "You look lovely Ying" Mingzu smiled looking at the dress on me "I didn't know what to pick till i found that" She chuckled to herself taking the tea tray and setting it on the living table. "Didn't you need help?" I questioned tilting my head "Oh i did~!" She sheepishly smiled at me "But what d-" I was then cut off by the door bell ringing "oh..." I mumbled now starting to get nervous.

Me and Mingzu walked to the door which made me take a deep breath giving Mingzu a nod to open the door, "Iron Fan,Bull king, Redson welcome~!" Mingzu smiled opening the door revealing a smiling Iron Fan,Redson and calm DBK "It's good to see you again Mingzu, it has been a while!" Iron Fan smiled giving Mingzu a squeeze 'Didn't she wanted Mingzu power..?' I thought i looked to see Redson in his regular clothes as usual but had something in his hands until someone then spoke "You to Ying, apologies if our first meet wasn't properly" Iron Fan spoke chucking at the end of her statement " Oh! Yea it's okay i guess" I replied rubbing the back of my neck smiling back to her. "Well don't just stand there come in!" I hummed backing away for them for them all to come inside.

"Ying, Redson,how about you guys go have fun maybe Ying can show you her room!" Iron smiled taking a seat on the couch while DBK did the same "Uh.. okay! Come on Red" "MY NAME IS NOT RED" Redson shouted flames lighting on his hair a bit "Yeah,yeah just come on" I sighed grabbing his hand and walking to my room, as we were i noticed he squeezed my hand a bit even his hand started to get warm probably from him having fire power and stuff like that, "And here we are~!!" I chimed opening the door of my room i turned to Redson who was still holding my hand having a bit of red dusted on his cheeks seeing my room "It looks like a garden.." He spoke squeezing on my hand more 'ow...ow..ow!' I screamed in my hand. He turned to me now realising that he is still holding my hand "P-PEASANT!" He shouted now letting go of my hand his hair bursting into flames "ha..okay,What's that?" I questioned pointing at something in his hands "Just some project im working on i was hoping if i could adjust somethings with it in here" Redson replied showing me the blue cubed shape box "What dose it do?" I questioned walking to my desk clearing the books that were on it "I'll show you once I finished with it" Redson groaned. I nodded pulling the chair out for him to sit down and do his thing which he did. "I'll uh..get some tea" I said feeling a bit uncomfortable standing there he hummed still focused on it.

{A sight to behold} (LMK x Oc) (Redson x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now