Macaque 🌙 (Part 2)

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(TW: Cursing, G0re, mentions of blood)

"Uh.. sorry, but who are you?" I questioned. "Heh, Macaque, actually uh, the six eared macaque is my full name but ya know..cya around Mk and Ying..".

"wait a s-" "CAN YOU TEACH ME THAT AWESOME THING!" Mk said butting in now being in front of Macaque face with stars in his eyes

"God fucking damnit Mk..."

(Ying POV)

Am I hearing Mk clearly right now? An other mentor? He better be joking right now "Mk are you serious with this so called monkey 'Macaque' to teach you?" I said sternly grabbing both of his shoulders "Don't you already have a master thought uh monkey king was training you?" Macaque pointed out still having that smile "Oh, yea,yea no, he is uh.." Mk said backing away from me talking to Macaque " can never have too many teachers right? I'm sure monkey king would agree, it's not like he wants to hold you back " he said.

"Um..yea, he'd totally be cool with it" "What- Mk you know that he w-" I was stopped with Macaque putting a hand on his shoulder scooting mk almost like he wanted him to go away from me "Heh, alright then" I then noticed that Mk jacket monkey king logo then switched to a different looking one "what the.." I mumbled "cya soon Ying!" Mk waved not looking back while Macaque did with a sly grin to his face waving bye...

(Mingzu POV)

As I sat in my temple reading through some old scrolls that were on the dusty shelves while sipping my green tea, a loud thud came from outside knowing who it was, i let ying step into the temple huffing and puffing "I take it that it your ride back went well?" I said not taking my eyes off the scroll I was reading "Oh yep, having my snake nearly dropping me in the sky to my death was greeaattt" Ying said plotting herself on the floor next to me where I was sitting, I chuckled from her sarcasm "How was he?" I said "who?" "You know who I mean, Macaque " I answered setting my tea down "He seemed to be doing something bad with teaching Mk the move he did to get the monster's almost like he was the one who summoned that thing in the city.." she sighed "I just don't understand why Mk wants someone else training him" she added on curling herself into a ball on the floor "Me neither dear, but you are quite close with what you said about Macaque, all I can tell you is that he will do something not good just not yet...he is waiting for the right time to " I said patting her head "how do you know?" She questioned "there are some times where I get visions on what might happen its just that I don't know if its a hundred percent correct, you'll get that sense as-well it just takes time if that's what your asking" I sighed getting up to stretch my legs

"No I mean.." I turned to her now her sitting up looking at me "How do you know Macaque..?" She said, I went silent "Me and Macaque knew each other through my husband.." "WAIT WAIT WAIT HUSBAND???" She said nearly startling me to death "Hehe..yea husband, him and Macaque were pretty much buddies plus with Wukong, of course I already knew Wukong but didn't really met Macaque at all, till he introduced himself to me, until hell broke lose through the three friends and well that's all I can tell you.." I chuckled feeling the guilt inside me not telling her the full truth "oh okay, then..what happened with your husband, is he still here??" She questioned. I sighed "He is, its just that he doesn't know if I'm alive or not" walking outside for fresh air with Ying following me " What do you mean?" "Ying, I have been stuck in abandoned temple for more than a thousand of years, how do you think my husband will still believe I'm alive?" I said giving her a bit of sarcasm "...true" Ying said

"Anyways..what should I do with this whole Macaque situation?" Ying hummed "I'll let you know what to do but for now just check on Mk every now and then okay?" I smiled

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