'.~Duplication~.' (Part 2)

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She said "Training session is now over, you should start preparing your sleeping bag now I'll just start cleaning" She said lifting herself up already heading inside the temple to clean up "I guess this is not so bad after all" I smiled


(Mingzu POV)

As i was finished rolling up the last scroll that was on the floor i place it back on the shelf where all the other scrolls where "And that should do it" I said clapping my hands together admiring the now clean temple "Mingzu??" Ying shouted wondering where i was "Coming!" I replied back not wanting the little flower to get worried where i was. I walk out of the temple seeing Ying sitting on her sleeping bag near i bonfire she made, there on the right was an other sleeping bag "There was no need of packing an other sleeping bag for me ya know?" I hummed scavenging the bag of food to find something my liking "I know i just felt bad where you were gonna sleep!" Ying whined, "You got a knife?" I questioned finally finding a mango in the bag to my liking "Uh...no..OH WAIT" Ying spoke taking her left arm out "Baizhu!" Ying cooed there appearing on her palm "Could you give me a knife please?" Baizhu seemed a bit scared on why she needed a knife "Don't worry I'm not using it for anything wrong" She reassured the shaky snake, He calmed down summoning a knife in her hand and then handing it to me "Thank you Baizhu" I thanked noticing the little snake happy to me see my jumping off from Ying palm and wrapping himself on my neck "Heh, i missed you to bud" I chuckled now cutting the Mango up.

Me and Ying talked for a while until the fire died down meaning time to sleep, i sighed laying down on the sleeping bag not really covering myself yet but gazed at the stars in front of me and Ying "Hey Mingzu." "Hm?" Ying turned to face me already in her sleeping bag "Why do you call me little flower?" She questioned with a smile on her face "Why not? I think it a cute little nickname for you. However i used to call someone little flower before you" I chuckled now Ying was getting curious "Really! Who?" She questioned " I shouldn't have said that..." I muttered to myself "Someone i cared for deeply, I'll tell you more about it I'm just...not ready to tell you yet." I replied keeping my eyes of the stars in front of me "AW YOU CARE FOR ME~?" Ying cooed by my statement "Ehehe, yea you could say that, little flower." I chuckled "Now rest you'll need it for tomorrow" I said. She nodded and closed her eyes "Night Mingzu.." "Goodnight Ying.." I said

I waited for awhile checking if she is now fully asleep which she was now "Time to look around the city." I said getting up for my bean bag turning myself into a snake so it would be quicker for me to arrive. Once i arrived to the city i changed back into my normal form seeing what's new, then I stopped at what it looked like a shadow puppet theatre "Hm..I wonder what's going on in there.." I said stepping inside 'hm its empty' "Hello!!" My voice echoed in the puppet theatre "Anyone here?" I said taking caution every step i took "Well,well,well it's good to see a familiar face nowadays.." Responded a voice...that voice... "I'm quite surprised to see you again Mingzu.." The voice now appearing himself "What do you want Macaque..?" I spoke not really up for a fight "You tell me, you came in here." He grinned "So who is the new kid your training huh?" He questioned with that idiotic grin on his face "That is none of your business i am afraid.." I responded placing my hand on my hips " All you need to know is that she is now training with me and not you, besides your really good at leaving people alone." I grinned "Just like how Sun Wu-" before i could finish i was thrown into a wall making arms a bit weak, I bursted into laughing now regaining my strength dashing at him pinning to the onto the ground "Haha~....how cute playing THAT game are we~?" I hummed my eyes filling up with black not letting him go.

"You decided to be a nosy bitch just now.." he growled "HA! Oh please~, you gave yourself up just because he was to blind for more power..." He looked very pissed it was a good look on him though i must say "If i am correct, have you forgotten your place Mingzu...? You are a curse, YOU are the most watched in the celestial realm and it was all YOUR fault if you had not killed you own daughter!!" He shouted at my face " DO YOU REALLY THINK I KILLED A CHILD, MY CHILD THAT CAME OUT FROM MY WOMB AND WOULD KILL THEM IN AN INSTANT?!?!!! IT WAS HIM MACAQUE AND YOU KNOW IT, I ALREADY TOLD YOU THE TRUTH THE FIRST TIME I DO NOT WISH TO REPEAT MYSELF AGAIN" I screamed now gripping onto his throat "But you would need to repeat it to the kid still hm..? He spoke struggling to let him go " You would need to still say it to her, every single little detail about it....The kid already looks up to you Mingzu it would be a shame if they stopped..." He grinned i was full of anger ready to kill him any second now but...he was right...

I letted go of his throat making him now gasp for air "I'll tell her just not now...she is not ready yet.." I said turning around walking away "It would be better if you tell them sooner then later Mingzu..." Macaque said from behind "like i said...she is not ready..." I replied lauching a snake at him to shut him up "Be a good boy and don't be in my business..." I smiled walking away "Oh i wont be in yours...i'll be in hers..." Macaque grinned once Mingzu left...

(1048 words)

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