○A Hero Is Born○ (part 3)

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(Slight cursing)


"This had better not be another one of your puppy videos Mei." Pigsy said with all of us behind her to see the phone screen. She let out a giggle "There's always time for a puppy video." She cooed while scrolling. "But no. Look what started trending." "#demonbullking". "Oh shit.." I mumbled

(Ying POV)
[1 minute and 36 seconds later]

We both stared at the screen looking at the video, we exchanged worried looks not knowing what to do.

[In the morning]

We were all squished inside the food truck while Pigsy was driving. "Eh. Very. Tight." Mk said while being squished mostly by everyone while i was hanging on for dear life trying not to go flying out of the truck. "Pigsy, watch were you're going! You're going to kill us!" "Yeah we gotta get to Flower Fruit Mountain WITHOUT getting squished in a car crash! All we gotta do is to drive threw an entire ocean, simple." Mk replied to Tang  "Mk HOW ON EARTH IS THIS TRUCK GOING TO SURVIVE IN AN ENTIRE OCEAN WHILE WE ARE IN IT! WE ARE GONNA SINK TO THE BOTTOM AND WONT MAKE IT THERE IN TIME!" I shouted. "GUYS!! Demon Bull Kin moved on to downtown! He's destroying the Cheese Tea Stalls!" "All the more reason to get this staff to Monkey King! Flower Fruit Mountain, it's the only place he would be. Right Mr Tang?" I tried to listen on what Tang was saying because of the tight space i was in until the only thing i heard was "So i guess we better than turn back." "WHAT?!" Mk shouted while i added "TANG, IM ABOUT TO KILL YOU, PLEASE TELL US YOUR JOKING!". "Eh shut it you big baby! I know a guy that can take us there. The most dangerous, deadly, rage-filled warrior I've ever known."

He then hit the brakes which made us spin to a stop "Pigsy, i really wonder how you even got your licence" I said feeling a bit sick by the spinning and squished by everyone. I reached my way to open the door which turned out me falling onto the floor as soon as Pigsy said "Sandy.."

[In the cargo ship]

Everyone was shaking like a leaf where they sat down on the couch while i decided to sit on the floor still scared as in who was Sandy ? And how could he help us? All my questions where then blank when a tall,blue, muscular guy threw a kitchen knife on the counter blade. "It's a lot to take in. You know what i do to people who disrupt the peace..of deriving tea!" He said with a tray of tea cups and a cat-like kettle in front of us as a cat looking just like him on his shoulder, "You guys want some? You? How about that guy over there huh?" I took a cup of the tea off the tray giving a smile 'welp, guess Pigsy was wrong about Sandy being the most dangerous' I thought taking a sip of the hot brewed tea while Tang as well took one saying "Oh yes, don't mind if i do." While raising his hand. "Certain noodle owners could learn from your hospitality Sandy." He said leaning to Pigsy who looked like he was about to explode of anger any minute. "Oh you're right Pigsy. This guys is dangerous..he'll kill us with cuteness!!!" Mei said placing a cat on Pigsy head. "It's my own blend of anti-stress fruits. "Eh!" He said as he stood up slamming his hands on the table "Sandy, what happened to you?" He then grab Sandy by his necklace and shouted "Where's the Angry Glash-Chewing-Fish-Throwing buddy I'D USED TO KNOW?!".

"Well, my therapist said I'd needed to calm down." He replied setting Pigsy down and giving a couple of head pats. "That's why i started drinking tea, doing yoga, investing in therapy cats, really helps." The cat that looks like him jumps at him getting some pets by Sandy "Aw don't you Mo?" He then giggled. "Mr. Sandy we could really use your help. We got to get to flower fruit mountain." "Pwease, the fate of the world is at stake." Mei and Mk said in their little baby voices begging on their knees using their puppy eyes. "Okay." "Wait, really?" Me and Mk said in unison. "Anything for Pigsy. I can get you there, but it ain't a pleasant trip." "Yes, yes, yes, yes ,yes , YES!!" Mk said as him, me and Mei jumped around. "Let's get moving. But I'm telling you now old friend, if things get hairy, I'm changed. I don't go around picking fights no more."

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