What are we ?

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Emma's p.o.v.

A week has passed and we are officially starting to shoot scenes for the half blood Prince Tomorrow. The last week has been rough to say the least.
I have no idea where Daniel went after our fight . I ran to the backlot before the director called me for yet another scene, but he was nowhere to be seen. We have been shooting for hours until I found out that he and Thomas have been banned from property.  I cannot believe they have been throwing fists again.

Luck wasn't on our side either, whenever Daniel tried to call I was either at work or I already fell asleep on the couch . And whenever I tried to call back he wasn't Picking up the phone.
Neither of sent a text message as this is something we should settle either face to face or at least via a phone call.

I lost count of the number of times my parents asked what happened and why I would be so miserable. They are aware we have been arguing. Therefore I don't even know wether we are broken up or not. it literally drives me insane not knowingly where we stand right now. I cannot lose him again. I can't miss him again and support him through a new girlfriend , when all I want is to be with him til death to us part. Additionally the friendship would be ruined after we have spent so many nights together as a couple. My mind is running but I have to smile at the thought that Alex would scold me for being is upset over a guy. My brother Alex spends most of his with his girlfriend. They are really cute together .
My dad is trying his best to cheer me up. He always offers me to give me a ride if I want . Just so I can talk to him in person. But would he want that ? Does he still love me same ? Of course he does ! Otherwise he wouldn't be so bloody jealous . But why can't he trust me ?!
According to my mum everything will work out just fine. Arguments and jealousy are normal in a relationship. Due to the fact that I am crying a lot lately so there are regular check ups. My mum and dad take turns in comforting me.
Right now it is mums turn . She walks in trying to read the look on my face. " Thinking to much again darling ?" She says softly. I just nodd in agreements. " I have been talking to Marcia today. Apparently Daniels filming schedule has been a week longer than expected . He has been working all week but he will be on set tomorrow as well. Maybe you guys can talk then?" She says with a smile.I am trying to process what my just told me. " So he isn't ignoring my calls?" I say  a bit hopeful . Now it is my mum's turn to just nodd her head. " If it helps you , he seems as miserable as you are . He propably misses you the same amount. " I love the fact that my mum speaks ever so softly with me and takes my pain seriously. Normally adults just say we are way to young to feel such strong emotions. I hug her for a while just thinking how lucky I am.
" I will be cooking dinner tonight , your dad has to work late . You wanna help me prepare dinner?"she asks. I tell her I would be down in a bit . Cooking is going to distract me.
After my mum left the room I pick up my phone and dial Daniels number on the shortcut. He will always be my number one. After a few he rings he finally picks up. " Hey " is all I am able to say as tears well up in my eyes. " Hey" he responds . " I am still on set . I know we need to talk, but can I call you back?" He says with a softness that calms down my nerves . I agree that we need to talk but leave him to his work. There are really loud background noises . I sign and head down the stairs to help my mum .
Arriving in the kitchen I start to cut some vegetables that lay on the counter. My mum makes the pastry for the Sheppard's pie. We talk about nothing in particular and about everything that happened this week. I enjoy spending time with my mum, we have a very special bond and I am clother to my dad as well since they startet being a couple again .  After a while my dad walks into kitchen with a big smile on his face. He gives my mum a soft kiss and hugs me really tight." It's moments like this I just love being part of this family ." He says not letting go of me. "That makes loosing the process today less painful." My mum tell him she would be sorry but that the next one will be a success again. I just hug my dad as reassurance and we set the dinner table together. I zone out of the conversation at the dinner table . Alex talks about school , my parents about their work and my little half siblings about what happened at dance class today. I am not able to focus on any of that . We are almost finished eating when the door bell rings. Unsuspecting I get up to open the door. To my suprise Thomas is standing infront of me. I just glare at him. " Look I know I am the last person you wanna see, but I just wanted to tell you , that it wasn't my intention to provoke an argument between you and Dan. The fight in the backlot was my fault though. I was annoyed by him that I provoked him. I just wanted to apologize" he say all of this different somehow. Not in his normally obnoxious voice but really sincere. I just thank him for his honesty and close the door. I have no intention in asking him inside.
Just as I reached the table there is another ring on the door. I get up again , just to tell him to leave me the f*CK alone . To my suprise it's not Thomas Standing infront of me but Daniel. I start  to get nervous as the followings conversation decides about my relationship status. I ask him inside we head to my room.

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