College applications

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Emma's p.o.v

The past few weeks have been Nothing out of the ordinary. We have filmed loads of scenes for the half blood Prince, so our filming schedule is coming to an end. As of right now I am sitting with Dan and Rupert in the cafeteria eating lunch, as I see my dad approach me with 3 huge envelopes in one hand . This can't be ? Or can it be my college applications?!. To be fair my A levels went more than well. I achieved 3A* and 5 As plus 2 Bs. The quote is not bad and as much as I enjoyed my time off , I really want to go to college. The only problem is the past weeks have been so hectic and busy that I didn't have the chance to discuss the matter with Daniel. My dad smiles at me as he waves with the envelopes . "You have got mail, darling " he says being as excited as me .
I take the envelopes and exhale deeply.
"What's this ?"Dan asks me curios .
I give him a shy grin and say the first things that comes to mind , no apology or anything of that sort just college applications!.
He looks at me bemused and stunned. " You didn't tell me you were applying for college . But you will never stop to learn will you?!" He says giving me a kiss on the cheek. " Where did you apply?" Rupert asks me nonchalantly and I can feel nervousness arise in me. Well I applied to 4college as I wasn't sure if I even get in ,two of them ...
But before I can continued Rupert almost doubles over laughing ."you ? Not getting into the College of your choice ? That's a good one ". I give him my best annoyed Hermione look and he instantly stops laughing.
" As I was going to say two of them in the UK and to of them in the Us ." I tell them more confidential by now . Dan almost chokes on his food. "In the US? Why didn't you say something?! You are aware it affects our future?"he says sounding startled. " I .. I know that , I just wanted to know my chances before I discuss it with you. " I tell him in hope that he is not to mad at me.
He just gives me a small nod. " Well open them ! " My dad urges me on " my lunch break is only another half an hour and I wanna know what's inside these envelopes." Dad say giving me a reassuring smile.
After I have opens all four envelopes I realised every college accepted me . The kings college London, the university of Oxford, the Brown I university in Rhode Island and havard in Boston. My looks so proud, before he leaves again , he gives me a tight hug and mumbles a  remember it is you decision to make .I thank him and hug a bit tighter for a few moments.
After lunch we shoot a few more scenes before we all head home. Daniel and I decides to share a ride. To be fair I can't tell wether he is still mad at me or not . Lost in my thoughts I look our of the window, as Dan squeezes my hand.  Ems I am.not mad at you , I just wish you would have told me.  You know I am really proud of you . I just want to be a part of your life decisions." He says truthful.As I snuggle up to him, I assure him, that I really wanted to tell him everything, but due to the busy schedules I just forgot about it. He hugs me a bit tighter as an answer. " So which one is your favourite so far ? What will you subjects be ?" He asks me . Well I applied for English literature at all colleges but the kings college can only offer me a normal English study , which I am not sure I want. My favourites are the Oxford university and Brown to be fair. Brown has a wider range of subjects I can choose. There I am able to choose 4 in Oxford it would be only 2." I really like the idea of studying abroad.  I can still  do a year in Oxford as an exchange programme. Daniel started to stroke my hair and five me a kiss on top of my head before he tells me that I can choose freely where to go and I should follow my heart. He supports me no matter what and that we will figure everything out eventually. I just give him a loving kiss in return." Do you think we can make it work?" I ask him concerned . "Of course we will make it work. I wanna marry you one day and we will both be working in the film industry.  There will always be a time where we won't see each other , bit that doesn't mean we love each other any less." The last few sentences calm down my nerves immensely. We will figure it out. And soon we arrive at my dads masion where we have a celebration dinner with my family . Where we discuss subjects and which college will be best for me.
I can't thank you family enough for the ongoing support and love they give me.
I actually can't believe I will go to college next autumn.


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