Graumam's Chinese Theatre

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Emma's POV

Today is going to be so exciting. First of all we have an interview. All three of us together. It's called unscripted. We can say what we want and fans can ask us questions.
And in addition we are heading to the graumam's Chinese theatre, as our handprints, footprints and wants get signed in cement. It is such an honor.
I choose to wear a black dress with a chanel necklace and small black shoes. I want to be able to look at those pictures and just look great. It's a classic kind of style, maybe even grown up. My hair will be up in a bun as it is quite hot in LA in the summer.
I chat with Alex while getting my make up done.
"How was your date?" Alex asks curious.
I can't help but smile.
"It was great." I tell him truthful.
"Are you nervous?" he asks with an lifted eyebrow.
I tell him I would be incredible nervous and excited.
"yeah I sensed that!" he says with a laugh" you are not able to sit still for a minute.
"Can I ask you something?" he seems shy
"anything!" I tell him and turn my seat so I can look him in the eye.
" You know that girl I have been out with at the set party? She asked me out. What I am supposed to do?" he asks worried. I give him a smile.
" Do you still like her? Because if you think it is worth giving second chances I do too. And I wanna meet her." I say with chuckle.
" Thank Ems. You look beautiful by the way. "he say before leaving the room.

>>at the theatre>>

There are people everywhere! Screaming our names. And I have never been more excited.
David Heymand, Rupes, Dan and I all enter through a giant door that swing open, after we have been announced.
We all says something to our fans before the ceremony starts.
It is propably obvious that Dan and I are really close, but we are trying really hard not third wheel Rupert. He is our best friend and supports us.
Our fans took the news quite well, even if we were a trending topic after the December boys premiere. Some girls are sad, that Dan is not available anymore. We'll I am not sorry girls.
We start to squeeze our feet in cement. I just hear cameras click everywhere. Our hands, wands and autographs are about to follow. Daniel always sneaks his way a bit closer to me and every now and then he whispers in my ear. To be honest I have been really scared telling the world that we are together but it turned out just fine. I could not be happier with Daniel.
We pose for a few more picture and sign a few autographs before we are heading back to the hotel. Dad invited all of us to dinner.

>>at the restaurant >>
We sit at our table and order our foot.
As usual dad orders wine for everyone. We have never had kids menus or anything when we were younger. We have always ordered from the menu and in France it is typical to serve wine. Can looks a bit startled, as he only turns 18 in a couple of weeks.
We know the legal drinking age in the US is 21 but we are at a private table and no one will notice.
"today was exciting!  My dad states
And Dan and I cannot help but agree. It was just amazing. I had such a good time.
" today was just great! And the unscripted interview was so much fun. I think it showed our friendship quiet well" I tell them and again Dan looked bemused.
He raises an eyebrow and says "friendship huh?" I just chuckle. You know I am love with you!
He shakes his head yes, grinning.
"you better be. You know he is crazy about you." Alex states with a grin.
We all just keep talking and eating our food for a while. I am even too tired to eat today. My dad looks at me worried.
"Darling you gotta eat something. I know showbiz is tough and you start modeling and everything, but starting with an eating disorder is not an option." he states all of a sudden. Now it is my turn to look at him startled. "you know you have lost weight don't you?" I don't know what to say. Yes I am skinnier but I am not having an eating disorder. I assure him I would be fine just tired. I eat a bit more.
To change the subject I ask Dan what he wants to do for his birthday. Its the day before the national movie awards. So maybe just a few close friends and my parents. He says putting his arm around me.
That would be a great idea. Now I just have to think of something I can get him.

We finish our dish and head back to the hotel. Tomorow is just another day.

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