New beginning

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It has been awhile since Harry Potter and the goblet of fire premiered and I secretly cannot wait to start filming the next one. I just love my Potter family. I am so excited to see Emma and Rupert again, certainly the best friends one can ask for  and super supportive.I have been staying at home recently , as I have stopped  school after my CGSE's .Emma must be the only one still going to school. Well that is of course , because she is a Year younger,but I don't think she will ever stop studying just like Hermione. I am as excited as I am anxious to see her again. We have not spend much time together recently.

The last time I have seen her was at the Goblet of fire premiere and we still get along quiet  well certainly. I remember that we danced at the afterparty and had such  a great time. I am thinking about her too much again. I start to get ready to head to the leavesden Studios! Although I  only start filming in a couple of days. I will just watch from behind the camera. As I arrive at the Studios it feels amazing walking these halls again. Australia was just not the same.

I walk passed Emma and Bonnie , who are talking. I can't help but to overhear their conversation, something about Emma not bringing her new boyfriend. I shut out the rest of the conversation. I can't blame her. I have had  girlfriends too. But why on earth  do I feel like someone punched me in the stomach? I walk up to Rupert and Tom,  who smile at me sympathatic.“So you have heard the news?“ Tom said nodding towards Emma. Yes and I am happy for her.“ You should work on your poker face!“ Tom says looking right trough me.“Just remember that she supported you no matter what.“ Tom gets me out of my thoughts. We kept talking until a femine voice interrupts us.“ Are you excited to start filming again?“ Emma asks more Rupert and Tom then me. Her look  falls on me.“ I thought you would not start filming until next Week?“ She asks not seeming happy to see me at all. I tell her I would just visit and they start shooting their very first scene. We said we would stay friends no matter what, but that seemingly is not case. The scene is done quiet fast and I can not help but wonder who her new boyfriend is. Is he taller than me ? Does he have more muscles than me ? Does he make her happy? Is he good to her ? He betger  be ! After a while my thoughts are too much for me and  I take  a walk around the location. Are we still friends ? Does she even want that? Why is my head so messed up? I have not thought about her that much for ages. I do not like her in that way anymore. I just don't!  Someone approaches me. It is Tom.“Hey mate! Will you visit tomorrow again? Would be fun though! Oh and a little warning EMMA’S Boyfriend is here.“ Tom says  as if it was the most obvious and natural thing that It bothers me. I tell Tom that she was not really happy to See me and he agrees.“ Well Dan you did not sound friendly too.“ Tom says“ In all honesty  I think both of you  are scared that it will be akward between the both of you.  You are both so stuck up around each other.“ I just want us to be friends again. I just want her to  be happy. Tom raises an eyebrow.“You are still in Love with her!“he exclaimed  No I am not.  Well not until today. I tell him as I sit down on a bench resting my head in my hands.“ Come on mate go back inside. You should Not be alone should You?“ and with that being said Tom and I walk back to the entrance.  And there she is in the arms of a tall black haired boy and she looks way to  pretty. They start to Kiss and I feel like I am going to be sick. All of a sudden I Jump up and before I can comprehend  what I am doing I threw the first punch. We are fighting and he is deifinitly Stronger than me. Emma goes inbetween us. She is nearly mad at me . Nö she is furious with me.“ What the bloody hell do you Think you are doing!“ She yells at me. Without giving her an answer I run away.  I can not stand it! The Way she looks him. The way she used to look at me. The way she kisses him. The was she used to Kiss me. I think I know now  how die must have felt,when I have had a girlfriend.  But did she even care? Does she even bother? No why should she! She has someone else now. I believe his name was Thomas. Tom runs up to me.“Mate ! Wow what happened to you just want to be friends with her? You can not deny she got under your skin.“ Tom says looking surprised. Well I can forget that now can't I? She won't forgive me now. Tom gives me a man hug and I decide that it would be better to callit a day. I have ruined enough for a single day

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