A day full of unexpected events

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After a few days both Emma and Daniel weren't able to stop thinkng about what happened between the both of them. Was it fate? Will it last ? Are they going to be couple again? Are they meant to be ? Did it mean something to the other ? All of these questions are wandering through their minds. Both of them haven't talked to each other since they have been portraying the act of love and both of them are unhappy about it in their own way. Emma has been thinking about telling Daniel , that she is still in love with him and that those bloody feelings resurfaced. But how would he react? Was it just a mistake? On the other hand her head is in the clouds, just thinking about Daniel makes her heart go wild.He is getting more good looking every year and just a handsome young lad. Of course he is ever so kind and a true gentleman with good manners, who gives incredible good hugs. She does not remember how man times she thought things through before she came to the conclusion to tell Dan the truth. After all that was the promise they have made.

After a while she arrives on set and to her disapproval they will be shooting the kissing scene between Harry and Cho. Anxious to see Dan again she enters the set, taking a deep breath. To her surprise Dan is approaching her directly and gives her a tight hug. "How are you?" He asks concerned. Emma inhales her new favourite scent. Daniels cologne, which makes her heart beat fast against her ribcage. There definitely is no denying that she is in love with him." I am okay" she says in a small voice. Dan pulls away from the hug and looks her deep in the eyes not believing a single word. Suddenly the Director David Yates shouts his name and he has no choice but to go and Shoot the scene. The last thing he thinks about is how much he wished it would be Emma instead of Katie. Emma on the other hand keeps standing on the side and watches her best friend Kiss the boy she is so desperately in love with. Is there a feeling any worse ? Finally after a few takes the scene is in the can and Katie is smiling at Dan. Somehow she knows there is nothing between them, but she can't help to feel jealous either. What would she give to be in that Position to press her lips against Dans again. Daydreaming she did not notice Dan coming up to her again." Are you really okay?" He asks still worried. " I have told you I am fine !" Emma says abit annoyed but soothes her voice again" you have seemed to enjoy it." She says lifting one brow and smirking. Dan gets closer to her and whispers " not as much as with you!" In her ear before he leaves. Her knees are about to give in and she is smiling brightly. She has to ask him out again . She has to make sure he knows how she feels.

Without hesitation Emma walks after Dan, only to find him talking ,to that one Person she never wanted to see in her life, Teresa.Teresa being her flirtatious self, is batting her eyelashes at Dan. " I can't believe he has been in a relationship with her" Emma thinks to herself. Would Daniel play with her? Or is he playing with Teresa? All of a sudden Teresa comes up to her and whispers, only for Emma to hear" So you really believe you are the only one for him? Or special? Did you really think Dan settles with just one girl? The look in your face says it all, you are still into him." With one last evil smirk she leaves and Dan follows suit. Tears start to fill her eyes and she runs away. After passing a lot of other actors and actresses, she bumps into someone. As she looks up all she sees is boy with dark hair and a lean figure. As soon as she realizes, who is infront of her, the tears turn into anger rather quickly. Standing infront of her is her ex-Boyfriend Tom. " What do you want ?!" She literally is screaming now. Although she is incredible mad right now, her thoughts are wandering back to Daniel. Are all guys cheaters? Is he sleeping with Teresa right now? The way he did with her?

Toms answer brings her back to reality." I wanted to talk to you. I have missed you terribly and I ... wanted to apologize." Tom says as calm as ever " I wanted to ask you if you might give us another chance?" He adds confident. It takes a moment for Emma to find her voice back. " I am glad you are apologizing! Honestly that was months ago. By now I have found someone else." Emma says patiently. Honestly that is the truth the significant other just doesn't know that yet. Tom looks really hurt, but that leaves her untouched, as she does not regret breaking up with him." Me " a familiar voice says, while laying an arm around her shoulders. To Emmas surprise Dan ist Holding her tight. Is he jealous ? Or afraid she would take Tom back? Tom on the other Hand is fuming " So there really was something between the both of you? This whole Time?" Tom asks being angry. "No " Emma and Daniel say in unision "Well not until recently. And I don't regret ANYTHING." Emma says, as Dan gives her courage.

By now Tom is fuming " Well good luck getting intimate with her! She is a tough Cookie." He says glaring at the both of them. Now it is Daniels time to get angry. How could he talk to her like that?! " Just for your information we already were intimate! If you want to hit me again I take a blue eye if that means you leave her alone." Emma gives Dan a hug, which calms him down almost immediately.Tom just stares at them, before he leaves, propably heartbroken but neither of them cares to be honest.

Nor did they break away from each other." How was it with Teresa ?" Emma says breaking the silence. " Horrible " Dan says truthful." You have to believe me I did not invite her. I just escorted her out, so she would leave me alone. I came back to find you.. . With Tom. Are you alright?" Dan says not letting go of her , afraid she would run away." Yeah I know what I want by now and that is not Tom, but you" Emma says the last part hardly audible. But Daniel heard every word of it." So you don't regret it?" He asks heat suddenly rising to bis cheeks.
" Of course not" Emma says while snuggleing closer to Dan. She is so nervous about the conversation at hand that she is hardly able to speak.
Daniel being as compassionate as ever notices her discomfort and asks what she is not able to. " Will you be my girlfriend ? Again? " he asks giving a soft chuckle." Us against the world! What do you think?" Even though he is afraid of her answer , he holds out his hand for her to take. Emma smiles brightly but starts to think it over. " we will handle everything. Don't worry." Dan reassures her. If possible she looks even more beautiful smiling at him, as bright as the sun and her eyes glistening with happines." Yes!" Emma says taking his hand. Now it is Dans time to smile brightly , as he pulls her closer into a loving kiss. Her lips taste like strawberries, propably chapstick, but very pleasant. Around them their friends clap in agreement. " It was about time ." Rupert states giving Dan a man hug, before hugging Emma " Don't let go of him again " he whispers in her ear and Emma just nodds in agreement. As for Dan and for Emma too neither of them Plans to let the other go ever again. After all they make each other happy. Now they just have to make it last.

AN: What do you guys think? I have tried to write in a different style so I am sorry if it sucks haha.
Well anyways

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