A hard time Thinking about you

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It has been a few weeks since we have started filming again and I am trying my best to stay  away  from Emma. He seems to make her happy and I just do not want to be in their way. Don't get me wrong we are still friendly  with each other ; we are just not friends anymore.I do not want to be the reason they are fighting. I do not want to be the reason she is unhappy. But I can't help but wonder what they are doing? Is he better than me? Who is the better kisser? I know that it is not a competition, but I still hope she would say me. Does she do things with him that we did not? I have to admit I wish things would go back the way they were. Am I  still in love with her? I do not know . All I know is that I am miserable just thinking about her. She was right.  She was the most suportive friend I have ever had and I should do the same for her. And staying away from her is my way of showing her that I am not sabotaging our friendship. It  is not like our friends have to choose between us , we are still acting normal around each other just distanced. To be honest I hate it. By now I am asking myself if burying my feelings for Emma was the best idea. Or would it work out again? Then we might be able to be friends again.

Deep in thoughts I did not notice Tom and Rupert talking to me. What ? I ask paying attentiont to the conversation for the first time.“Haven't you heard?!  There is going to be party on friday. And I have asked Katie to acompany me.“Rupert says really proud of himself. A party? I ask suddenly excited.“ Yeah ! And for set members only. So you do not have to see them together.“ Tom says smirking. I just give a short nod in agreement.“ Who are you going to the party with ?I personally asked Bonnie out. Well on a date actually.“ Tom says grinning like an idiot. If I would not know any better I would say  you have fallen in love her ,  tease him.“ Well Emma was taken“ he jokes reminisceing  the time he had a crush on my girlfriend and how foolish we were. We are both still laughing about it. Maybe that would be the solution! Asking soneone out! That could help me to either get over her or to bury my feelings again.But who am I going to take?Rupert,Tom and I start joking around, who I could take to the party.“ How about Abby,the understudy“ Rupert says while sniggering.Tom joins in with“ Or the wardrobe Lady“ I know why they are my best friends they make me laugh in the hardest of times.“ When was the last time  you were at a real party?“ Rupert asks hinting at my lack of sparetime. I am thinking for minute before I realise  that the last Party I have been on was the one I plugged up the courage to ask  Emma out. I stand there dumbfounded and Tom nudges bis chest.“ The last Party was für one he asked Emma out except for a few birthday parties.“ Tom says  so I do not have to say it out loud. They are both looking at me so I  tell them I would find someone to go to the Party with me and that I would not be sad. But  who? No one is like her.


I have overheard the conversation about who they are taking to the party on Friday. Of  course I already knew that Rupert and Tom are taking Katie and Bonnie, as  they have told me being all excited. But that Dan remembers that party just because he asked me out  makes my heart flutter.

Well I do not have anyone to go with myself as it is a Party for set members only. If  I can't take my boyfriend, I might as well go alone. I just hope it will be fun. I cannot wait to see what happens between Bonnie and Tom as she has a huge crush on him. But I can't help but wonder who Daniel is going to take. Will they Fall in love like we used to? Will she be beautiful? Are they meant to be ? Or was that Dan and me? Bollocks!! Right now we are not even friends, we can't be meant to be. But I really liked the idea of it. I think I am going to fight for our friendship, as I hate quarreling with him and the distance between us is just killing me.

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