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I have not seen  Dan in a couple of days. And to be honest I am glad.I am so mad at him for what he did. I have supported him through every other girlfriend and break up he had. And now  he can not just be happy for me ? I have finally moved on.Therefore there is no reason to act  like my jealous boyfriend after almost 2 years. I have been waiting for him and to be honest every Time they broke up I hoped he would give us another chance.I do not really know how to feel about that.

I have Tom now. And we are happy. And for the past  6 month I did not think about Dan and it was peaceful. But on the other hand what does this say about me ? Am I abandoning my best friend? Are we even still friends? All those things are wandering inside my head, while I wait dir Daniel to come through the entrance of the Studios. After  a while I see Dan  approache me.  Anger rises  in me. I still cannot believe he did that. I run up to him and tell him we would need to talk. No Question . A statement. I am determined to clear things up.“ No thank you!“ is all  he says,as he tries to walk past me real fast. I grab his arm. Signalizing him to stop. He turns around.“ What was that about?!“ I ask him  determined to get an answer.“ I don’t know! It just got over me.“ He says through grittet teeth. You  do not know ?! Ugh. If you are jealous tell me! We will find a way. I tell him  in a softer voice to ease the tension.“Yeah because that worked out the  first time!“ Dan literally is yelling now.I can not help but notice that he has a blue eye.“ I am trying to safe our  friendship here! But do you even want that ?! I am not the one sabotaging our friendship. I have been there for you. Through it all. And you can not do the same for me? By now anger  takes over. Dan  is looking at me with pure shock on his face.“ Fine than! You do not have to do anything for me anymore. Just leave me alone!“ Dan seems to mean every word. And with that he runs off leaving me standing here. Dumbfounded. I just wanted to safe our friendship not end it. I am getting ready for my first scene of the day quickly before the tears start to fall down. I reach the set and my first scene is of course with Daniel. After a while we are all frustrated as it just does not work out. Our Director David Yates  tells us we would need to warm up before shooting the next scene and gives us a break.  I let myself sink to the floor and start crying. After a while I notice someone sitting next to me. I lift my head only to find Dan.“ I am really sorry.“ He says with a sad smile. He puts an arm around me and pulls me into a tight hug. I rest my head on his shoulder. I tell him that I would just want us to be friends. He hugs  me a bit tighter and whispers a soft I will try. He seems so sad.“ Would you  stop crying, please? I can’t stand making you sad.“ I look up to him and there it is that boyish smile I used to fall for every time. I just have to smile.“friends?“ He asks with a soft chuckle.I nod in agreement and hug him back. Suddeenly there is a loud  noise and the both of us are looking at the direktion of that noise.“Are you out of your mind ? After all he has done? Tom says being really mad“ And now to you ! I can get you another blue eye.  Then they match“ Tom says  staring at Daniel.  Before either of them Fan do anything I Jump up between them. Neither of them will hurt me. STOP! I Yell to get their attention. Dan is the first one to react, he gives me a hug  and whispers“ If he really makes you happy, that is fine by me.“ In my ear  and leaves.I am giving Tom an angry look.“You know we are just friends!“ I try to convince him. Or am I trying to convince myself ? Oh Dan what have you done ?“Stay Away from him,Please“ Tom says with a puppy dog face. I laugh and end the quarrel with a kiss. Little did  I know that my best Friend heard all of this.

Only Forever (Sequel to Teenage Love)Where stories live. Discover now