Falling in Love

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I am having lunch with my Family this noon  and I am actually in good spirits. I head to the kitchen and sit  down next to Alex and my little half sister Lucy. The conversation starts with the topic school, my familys favourite topic. As I am taking my A levels this year my dad could not be prouder of me.And I am glad. While Alex is talking about his projects in school I can't help but think about Daniel. I mean who would forget that Kiss? I can't help but wonder what else could have happened. After I have been day dreaming for a while until my dad interrupts me " What are your plans  for today darling" my asks. I hestitate.  I don't have any plans yet, but maybe Dan would find some time." Meeting with Daniel again?" My dad asks with a curious grin on his face. Is he suspicious? " I actually don't know yet. Why?" I am looking up from my food." Just being curious. You guys spend more time with each other each day and I was wandering if there is something going on between you guys again." My dad says straight forward. " What makes you think that ?" I ask still shocked from that assumption. " I have eyes. I saw the both of you, before you left yesterday." My dad says with a smile. For a moment I almost had a heartattack. I just smile in return." I don't know yet." I tell my dad the truth. " then figure it out !" Alex literally yells. I look at him confused." Dan always made you the happiest. And to be honest ever since that Party I think there is something going on between the both of you. You declared your friendship again but you two don't act like just friends. That was a long time ago." Alex says sounding way older than he is.
I think for a moment" Maybe you are right. I should figure it out." I tell them before leaving the table. Both my dad and Alex smile at me and before I am heading out the door I hear Lucy ask where I am doing and my dad answer " hopefully to Dan".

So he would be okay with it. I could squeel right. I have never been that fast for two blocks. I should have called first shouldn't I? Don't be a coward Emma. I ring the door bell and Marcia opens the door." Dan is in his room." Marcia says letting me in. She Sounds like it is the most natural thing for me to show up without any
notification. I head upstairs and knock on bis bedroom door. "Come in" is all he says. I open the door a smidge" Hey " I say " I know I should have called." He looks a bit startled standing infront of me shirtless. I have to admit he looks handsome and even more handsome since he started to work out. I try not to stare to much at his abs." No it is fine I just did Not expect to see you again this soon"  he says smileing. He grabs a Navy blue Shirt and puts it on.  Damn. " I have nothing planned today. What do you want to do?" He asks. I can not tell him the reason why  I am here." Well the weather is nice  we could go for  a walk and watch a film in addition." I suggest.I  can't put into words how happy I am that he spends the day with me. " Sounds Great. Let's go!." He says being enthusiastic.

We are walking up and down the thames. We  are talking about the upcoming scenes we have to film  for the order of the Phoenix." I can't wait to film all the scenes for Dumbledores Army." I tell him." Well that certainly will be fun, but I personally am looking forward to the kissing scene with Katie." He says smiling. Does he have a crush on one of my best friends ? Why do I even bother? Why am I jealous?  Deep in thought a smiling Daniel waves his hand infront of me. " Earth to Emma. Do you want some Ice cream? " he asks." Yeah sure." Is all I say in response. Dan gets us some Ice cream and we sit on the gras close to the water. The view is incredible beautiful. We are eating in silence, but my thoughts always move back to one question : Am I in love with him? After careful consideration, yes I am! Does he feel the same? I don't know ! All I know is , that I can't lose him again. Dan is the one who breaks the silence." So what kind of film do you want to watch?" He asks oblivious to the fact that my mind is with him twenty for seven.

" Mh I don't know. Anything really." I say trying to sound as natural a possible." How about something scary? Then you can jump  into my arms again." He teases me , when all of a sudden he pulls me into a tight hug. I am just smiling , his hugs are literally the best. I am breathing in his scent and my heart starts to flutter.  Maybe he is the one after all. We look into each others eyes our faces only inches apart. Oh how much I wish he would just kiss me. Or is he just shy?
I lean in abit more and our lips  are touching. Finally. We are moving our lips in unision and there are butterflies in my stomach again. I don't want him to Kiss anyone else. Not even for a film. After we break apart we keep looking into each others eyes, smiling ." We should get going." He whispers not breaking eye contact.  I nod and we start walking back to his parents house. Our hands touch and it doesn't take long until we are walking hand in hand. It felt so natural just being with Dan. I am really comfortable with him and I can be just me Emma and that is really nice. We have just kissed and we are holding hands in the middle of London, in public, and no one noticed. You can't ask for more. An experience every normal Teenager would make. We arrive at his home and Daniel suggests to order Pizza as his parents are out again tonight. I think that is a good idea. I mean I love Pizza especially in combination with a good film.After we have finished eating, we actually really decide to watch a scary Film and as expected I am hiding behind Dan.

He is looking down on me and his beautiful blue eyes meet mine. I could get lost in them for hours.  Our lips touch again. We start Kissing , but this time it is not soft and sensual but passionate. After a while we move positions and without even knowing how I am sitting on his Lap. The more we make out, the more I can feel his trousers tighten. I gasp for air. He starts Kissing the pulspoint on my neck. I don't really know what I am doing, but I start tugging on his Shirt. He gently pushes me away a bit and  takes off his Shirt. Only to reveal his  incredibly trained chest. My eyes are wandering up and down his abs. I can't help but grin.  Damn he is so good looking.

Yet again we stare into each others eyes to reassure that the other one wants it too . That is that akward moment where you have to decide if you stop or if you keep going for it. Without hesitation I start kissing him again, because I don't want him to stop.  By now it seems like he can't restrain himself anymore, as his hands  start to travel up my thighs underneath my skirt.
I have never felt like this before. It is so overwhelming. He starts to undress me, leaving me in my lingerie. He looks at me more closely and I start to blush. I know my breasts are not biggest and that is what guys want right? He notices my discomfort and starts whispers " You are perfect " in my ear, which gives me goosebumbs. His lips travel down my body until he reached down my stomach. There is this tickling feeling inside of me and he seems to notice it, as he starts to travel kisses up my stomach over to breasts until he reaches my neck again. I start to moan in pleassure. I open my eyes to see  a devilish grinning Daniel." Enjoying it Aren't you?" He teases. I look him straight in the eyes before I grab  his member." Same to you!" The tension is heated and I know I just want him. He gently places me on his bed and starts to fiddle for a condom. My hands travel up and down his muscles . He reaches down to Kiss me and slowly starts to pull in. Our bodies move in unision for the rest of the evening.

》Time Skip

I wake up with his arms wrapped around me , the both of us laying on our sides, so close to each other that our noses almost touch. I am admiring his face smiling to myself. I know I figured out earlier, that there are feelings from my side. Are this new one ? Or the old one resurfacing? I don't know. I just know that I am mad for him, that I am even more in love him if possible.
But what are we ? Was last Night just a One Night Stand for him? Does it mean anything for him? All I know is that it means a Lot to me. I think we need some time to figure that out. He starts to stir awake next to me looking me straight in the eyes. Oh how much I love his ocean blue eyes." Good  morning beautiful." He greets me before he gets out of bed. Honestly I am a bit disappointed. I had hoped he would give me ad bit more attention, I get out of bed too. All of a sudden he grabs me by the waist leaning his chin on my shoulder" please tell me that everything is good between us ? I need to know that you are just fine." He says worried. My heart is hammering in my chest. Damn those feelings. " Don't worry we are fine." I tell him with a smile. He turns me around with a smile, to reassure that I
am telling him the truth. Dan always knows when I am lying." I am glad" he says with this cute boyish smile on his face.
All in all we have had a great time and it isn't abit akward between us.
The most important questions for me are, does he feel the same for me ? Do we have a chance to get back together? With my head in the clouds and full of questions I am heading home.

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