Half-Blood Prince

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Dan's p.o.v.

As I reach Emmas room I am nervous wreck . My mind is going a million miles an hour and I feel like I cannot think straight . My palms are sweaty too.  I sit down to face the conversation ahead . To my suprise Emma keeps standing in the doorway as if she would fear I would run away. She raises her eyebrows Signaling me to start the talking. I take a deep breath. Actually I have hoped she would at least give me a hug before the serious talk begins . Obviously that is not her intention. I choose my words wisely." Look I know I shouldn't have stormed off set and leave you behind . I wanted to come back but there was an incident and .." my speaking pace starts to speed up rapidly as she interrupts me." I know what happened . The crew told me about your fight ." She says getting mad at me again " to be honest Thomas stopped by earlier to apologize and explained that it was all his fault." She says a lot softer . " But why on earth did it take you way longer to show up at my door ?.you didn't even tell me you were working longer ?!" Now she is getting louder again. I just nodd processing the given information.
" I know I should have told you . And I don't blame you for the missed calls! I just want to work things out again . I don't want to break up with you!' I tell her truthful. All of a sudden she seems to be even more  furious with me. " Maybe we should" she says confident " because a relationship requires a lot of effort and trust . If you can't trust me we can't be together . It is freaking tiring having the same conversation over and over again. Even if you don't see it this way I put a lot of effort into this relationship." I can't help but stare our of the window. Not only because I must look incredible dumbfounded but also because I don't want to cry infront of her. This my worst nightmare . I never wanted to lose her. Is she seriously suggesting we take a break? Certainly she is, but I do not want that at all! Emma seems to notice my discomfort and slowly walks towards me . As she reaches the window she places a soft hand on my shoulder . I slowly turn around just to look at those beautiful chestnut brown eyes.  To be fair we both look really miserable and sad. I sigh . " You really want to take a break?" I ask the question dreading the answer . Emma just shakes her head no . " No" she exclaimes. " But I can't be with you if you lack trust in me and our relationship. Do you really think I would cheat on you or something?" She ask in a softer voice .
" I trust you !"I exclaim and now it's Emma's turn to look dumbfounded. "I just do not trust him at all. The way he treated you and even if you regrett it you guys have a history . You would definitely feel the same if Theresa would be there doing the same. " I tell her deep in thought. " Don't you think I know  how you feel? I literally have been there done that ! And I agree that a bit of jealousy is normal in any relationship. " She says with her best know it all Hermione like expression. I can't help but chuckle . " Is it the wrong time to tell you how much I love you ?" I ask with the boyish smile I know she loves so much . She just smiles at me." Actually yes . Totally the wrong time but I would like to hear it." She says even more flirty. Before I know it we sit down on her bed facing each other." Emma you know I am madly in love with you! There is no other girl on the planet I would rather be with than you! You are the only one for me." I tell her all this because I really can't loose her and it definitely doesn't make up for my behaviour on set but I hope it's enough to salvage our relationship. Before I can comprehend what is happening Emma gives me a bone breaking hug knocking me over . We both laugh laying next to each other stealing kisses . Gosh I hate quarreling with her. I am not good at arguing with her . I would literally do everything  for her . We spend the rest of the evening in the same Position just stealing kisses every now and than . I would not want it any other way.

-time skip-

I wake up still very sleepy and in an uncomfortable position. I look at my phone to see the clock . It's 4:30 in the morning . We must have fallen asleep last night . I gently wake Emma a bit , just enough to lay her in her bed and cuddle close to her. The alarm rings at 6 am and it's time to get ready . Luckily I have a few clothes over here so I can get changed. Emma looks quite tired as well. Somehow the tension between us is still visible and we hardly talk on the drive to the leavsden studios.
As we arrive all of our friends are there and we immediately talk about our summe projects and what's new with all of us before we are heading to hair and makeup .
The first scene we will be shooting is the one where Hermione attacks Ron after he kisses Levander Brown in the Gryffindor common room.
We start the scene and everything goes as planned, as we reach the part where Rupert leaves the scene Emma just burst into tears and hugs me , asking how it feels seeing Ginny with Dean . It takes me a moment to respond as the last part wasn't scripted, but David seems to let the camera roll. I just answer a soft 'it feels the same way" and comfort her sitting on the staircase. It feels like internity until David yells cut.
After we get up , Emma suddenly throws her arms around me, hugging me tight. " I am so sorry Dan! I shouldnt have said any of that. I don't want to take a break ! I just want you!" She says still crying. I just hug her real tight. I tell her  I didn't even know we were on a break , as we fell asleep kissing and cuddling last night . She just smiles slightly . "I was just way to scared to loose you ." I wipe away her tears and mutter a soft me too.
We head back to the entrance hall where we will wait for our next scene. Rupert just comes up to us asking us whether we are okay or not. We both assure him we would be fine. " Great job Ems! That was incredible." Rupert says amazed .
Emma just smiles and thanks him.
David Heyman calls Emma over for a conversation. I wish I knew what they are talking about . I can't read their faces . Is it a seriously topic ? Or just some light conversation.
I am not paying attention to anything else around me.
After what feels like eternity,  Emma comes back to me with a huge smile on her face.

" They take the scene " she says beaming with pride and I congratulate her. "Oh and they give us more scenes alone and j.k. Rowling promised to give us some Harmione scenes in the deathly Hallows but I still have to marry Rupert." She says laughing . I can't stop smiling and ask her to accompany me to my trailer . She agrees and I hope to continue a bit of last night to make up for the lost week.

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