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Emma p.o.v.

It has just been a few days of playing hide and seek, sounds familiar doesn't it?, but it is totally worth it. Right now Dan sneeked into my room and we are discussing the problem at hand. How are we going to tell our parents that we are back together? How are they going to react? " You know I would like to take the front door for a change." Dan states all of a sudden. I smile at him.  How about tomorow? We invite our parents to lunch and tell them together at once?I suggest. Dan looks at me with a scared expression " are you sure your dad is not mad at me?" For the millionth time it will be fine. I encourage him. What happened to us against the world? I ask with a raised eyebrow. He leans in and gives me a soft kiss on the lips" you are right, nothing can stop us now! Tomorow then?" I nod in agreement before I give him another loving kiss. With that finally being clear and what feels like a hundred plans thought over, we came to a conclusion, straight forward and honest.Daniel sneaks out the window again. I sigh and let myself drop back into my pile of pillows, as there is a knock on the door. My dad sticks his head inside " You are still awake ? It is after midnight already" my dad says looking tired." You have been working on your case again?" I ask hin concerned. " Yeah just a couple of days and it will be over." He says with a smile of relieve." Oh and next time just let him stay over." He says with a wink. I just smile. " how did you know?" I ask my dad. He turns around " my Office window goes out to the front yard. Try to sleep now darling ." He says with a tired smile and leaves.
I cannot wait to make it official.

I woke up early in the morning, not being able to sleep any longer. I am so nervous. What if they are against it ? What will my mum think, when I tell her the news, when she is back from France? Will it be akward ? At least my dad seems fine with it. After a while I decide to get up and take a Hot bath to calm my nerves. Afterwards I am heading downstairs for breakfast.
I help myself to a bowl of strawberries with nutella. My all time favourite and sit next to Alex." Are you joining me for Dinner today ?" I ask nonchalantly." Definitely. What are you thinking about?" My dad asks curious. " I thought about the Restaurant fifteen, it is good and not to fancy. " I suggest. " The one from Jamie Oliver? Close to The Bookclub?" My Brother asks curious. I shake my head yes. " anyone else joining us?" My dad asks with a smirk. I start to blush." Just Daniel and his parents." I say trying to sound casual, before I put a spoon full of my strwaberries in my mouth. " Are you guys back together?!" Alex exclaimes. I can't say anything. Is he happy or mad? " they better be" my dad says giving me an encourageing smile." Yes" I tell them blushing. " If he hurts you too I am going to hurt him." Alex says confident. My dad looks up from his plate with a confused expression. " As far as I know he has helped her alot lately and she is finally smiling again. You should be happy for your sister." My dad tells Alex off. I give Alex a sympathatic smile. You can't fight with my dad it is just not possible. In the other hand I could squeal right now.  He is fine with it. I was hoping he would tolerate it, but that is more than I expected. All of a sudden the door bell rings. I get up and open tje door . To my suprise it is Dan. Before I can say anything he starts to speak really fast. I just raise my brows confused." I have told my parents already , I could not wait any longer. Dinner together would have been to akward but they are fine with. They are happy for us." Dan says smiling brightly and in a pace I can unterstand him. I just smile brightly and give him a soft and sentual kiss. Afterwards I look into his gorgeous blue eyes , that I am getting lost in. My dad clears his throat , which breaks us apart." Welcome back to the  family." My dad says to light the tension and holds out his hand for Dan to shake. Daniel ,who looks like he is about to faint, hesitates but shakes hands with my dad."Thank you, Sir." He says still nervous." You can still call me Chris." My dad says with a tired smile. Dan nods in agreement. I compliment him in and chat while I finish my breakfast.

Afterwards  we excuse us to my room and I give him another deep and loving kiss. We break away for some oxygen and he keeps looking me straight in the eyes for a while." Do you know how glad I am , that your dad  is fine with it. I love you you so much I would not want to lose you again." I smile and put my hands around his neck. " I love you too."I say smiling brightly." And your parents are okay with it too?" I ask him concerned." They are. You are the perfect daughter in law if you'd ask them." He says with a soft chuckle. I bite my lip thinking about it for a while" who knows maybe we are going to last." I wonder out loud. " I hope so! That would be perfect.  If it goes my way you will never be single again." He says before giving me another passionate kiss.

At about Lunch time we head over to the Restaurant fifteen and meet Marcia and Alan there . To my suprise  Marcia gives me a tight hug as a greeting." I am glad you guys are back together  . Your relationship  is unique and one of a kind. You are good for him." She says with a smile.
We sit down for dinner and talk like nothing has ever changed.  Like one big happy family. I couldn't ask for a better start for our relationship. By now it is ridicolous how nervous we were.
Who knows what the future holds for us.
But I hope it will be all we have ever wanted.

AN:  I am really sorry this chapter is so short and crappy but I am really busy at the Moment. This chapter  is just Preparation for  what is yet to  come and The next one will be longer.  Love you guys

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