Party Time

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Emma's P.O.V.

It is Friday and we all know what this means - party time. I am almost ready to go. I am wearing a short skirt with flowers on it and a plain black T-shirt. Right now I am looking through my jewellery box, to find an accesior. I am picking up a necklace with a heart pendant on it. It is the one Dan gave me in New York before we had that amazing date by the Hudson river. I actually did not remember I still have this. When was the last time I wore it? Well I cannot wear it tonight. That would be weird. He gave it to me as an act of love and as sad as it is that is the past not the present. I put the necklace back and decide to wear some small golden earrings and a golden bracelett my dad gifted me for my birthday. I leave my hair open with just a few curls and decide to wear a light make up.

Now I just need to grab my purse and I am ready to go. I am walking downstairs as I almost bump into my little twin half sisters. They are adoreable I just Love them so much. Downstairs my dad and Alex, who is officially accompanying me as he does not have a date and works as an extra, are waiting for me." Are you alright? You seem sad since Tom has left." My asks me concerned. I would tell him I would be okay and that we would Talk tomorrow. With that being said we are leaving.

After a while we arrive and the party is already in full swing. It is really crowded but I am not alone all of my friends are here and my baby brother." Do you mind if I go over and talk to Courtney?" He asks hopeful.I tell him to get going. I think he has a crush on her. I shake my head smileing. He is so nervous. Bonnie comes up to me being all excited." You do not believe what happened?!" She exclaimed happy. I just laugh and ask her what it would be."Tom asked me out" she says squeeling. I would tell her I would happy for them and give her a hug. We talk for a while until she goes back to her new boyfriend.

Well it is official then parties do bring people together. I am walking around until I find a Place where I can sit in piece and quiet. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my chin in them. Why did he have to do this ? To me ? To us? Was it because I wanted to wait and he did not? After a while tears start flowing down my cheeks. I almost got a heartattack as someone touches my shoulder. I turn my head only to find Daniel staring at me with a soft smile on his lips." What happened?" He asks sounding worried. He sit next to me and just keeps looking at me until I give hin an answer. I start to stare back into those beautiful deep blue eyes of his and decide to tell him the truth. If we are still able to be friends then he will be there for me, like he used to. This time I rest my head on his shoulder and tell him everything that happened today. How Tom and I have been fighting for a while now and that the reason for that was not Dan, but Toms behavior. How he came into my room today only to act all innocent while I already knew that he cheated on me with a woman way older than him.How I yelled at him and finallly broke up with a guy , who does not deserve me. I have morals and he does not. And I have an amazing family and friends, who support me.

Dan pulls me into a tight hug and wipes my tears away with his thumbs." Don't think about that jerk! He does not deserve you." He says as he gets up and holds out his hand for me to take.I grab it and he pulls me to the Dance floor ."And tonight you will not be thinking about him anymore.c'mon!" he says with that gorgeous boyish smile I love so much.It is almost sexy . We are making fools out of ourselves, but that is exactly what I needed. After a while Bonnie, Tom , Rupert and Katie join in. And it feels amazing."So ? Can we all be friends again?" Rupert asks all of a sudden and that is what I love about Rupes he can be so innocent sometimes.
Dan and I just look at each other and I can feel that he is uncomfortable and scared of the answer. I look at all of my friends and smile bright. I pull Dan into a hug to asssure him that we are just fine. He looks at me startled and asks"Friends?" I nod my head grinning.I tell him I would be sorry for letting Tom come inbetween us and that this should not have ruined our friendship. Now it is Dan's time to pull me into a hug."It is fine , our friendship is not ruined. We just need to referbish it." He says and I cannot thank him enough for today. We are all continuing to have fun until it is time for us to leave.I Know Alex to my car home, because he was mit feelings well, so I might as well take a cab.

"How are you Coming Home? You are not driving anymore are you?" He asks sounding concerned." No I take a cab. Alex took my car hours ago." I tell him." Well you could stay at my place... as friends of course... but I would not like you to be wandering around by yourself at this hour." He says all of this really fast and it takes me a Minute to debate wether or not I am going to accept his offer. I have made my decision . I am staying at Daniels as I am really tired and a bit of distraction from my break up with Tom will not hurt. We are walking in silence, not an akward kind of silence, just silence. After a while we start talking, like nothing ever changed." I still have the necklace you gave." I tell him with soft smile on my lips." Really ? Why? Let's be honest I have treated you badly the past couple of weeks." Dan says sounding more sad than ever." Because it was a beautiful gift from someone I really care about.By the Way I was not any better." I tell him,which is the truth. After about 20 minutes of walking we arrive at Daniels, well he does not live in his own yet, so it's more parents House. We go through the entrance and it feels just like being Home.....

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