Stranger danger

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(F) Gänger POV:

"Hmmm... that's strange..." I heard my sister, Dopple mumble.

"Huh? What is?" I asked her, hoping she wouldn't give the same answer as last time. Sadly, my hope was misplaced.

"Weren't we-... weren't we just in our house? I was making my special stew just a few moments ago, but now we're in the woods..." Dopple's voice was lined with confusion. I felt a tinge of worry build up in me, but I shoved it down in an instant. You're the strong one, Gänger. You can't let your sister down, I scolded myself.

"What are you talking about? We've been here wandering all night. Are you okay?" I asked, the twinge of worry returning. It always seemed to return. But, once again, I pushed it away.

"All night? But- but-..." Dopple's green-with-purple-splotches hoodie shadowed her face, but I could tell that she was definitely confused. Again. I stifled a sigh as I glanced at her half-heart necklace with the letter "D" on it, its chain reflecting the moonlight ever so slightly.

"Dopple, that's the third time within the last fifteen minutes you've said that. Your little 'daydream world' isn't real," I said as I felt my worry fade to disappointment. Can't you go just ten minutes without daydreaming?! This had been happening so much that I thought I was going to lose my mind. To my right, I heard Dopple give a light sigh.

We kept walking beneath the partial covering of the birch trees, their leaves rustling gently. Suddenly, out of nowhere, lightning flashed to our right. I felt my heart race as I almost jumped out of my skin. Luckily, Dopple didn't notice, but I still felt ashamed. C'mon, Gänger! You're better than that!

The two of us crouched, backing ourselves a little bit of ways away from the lightning. After a few short, yet agonizing, moments, the lightning's crashes faded away, and were replaced by a figure. I glanced at Dopple, and my heart sped up even more. Every part of this person seemed suspicious, from the top of his brown hair, to the bottom of his jean-covered brown boots. He had a strange world patch on one arm, and he had a face covering that blocked out his eyes. The most note-worthy part, however, was the menacing sword at his side. It seemed to radiate with power, and it had a clock in the middle of its hilt. Yep, this man is definitely dangerous, I concluded to myself. I glanced at Dopple once more, hoping she understood my cue of Hey, don't say anything, and I'll handle this. Once again, though, she disappointed me.

"Hi there! I'm Dopple!" she said happily. I could almost imagine the naive grin she probably had right now.

I eyed the stranger warily, waiting for his response. After a few moments of silence, he asked, "Who-... who are you?"

I could almost taste the retort I was about to say before Dopple said, "Uhh, Dopple. You know, like I said? Whatever- this is my sister, Gänger." She gestured to me, and I felt my skin begin to crawl with fear and suspicion. "And you are?"

"Who I am is none of your business," the stranger practically spat.

I felt my anger rise up in me. "But who we are is your business? We asked who you are, so answer."

The stranger let out a terrifying laugh, his voice sounding more than a little bit crazy. "I'm Sabre."

I was speechless. Sabre. Sabre. Sabre. I felt like I'd heard that name somewhere, but I couldn't put my finger on it. This whole scenario was making me unnaturally nervous, and I just wanted to go. Anywhere that wasn't here. I felt Dopple's gaze as she glanced at me. Don't worry, Dopple. I'll get us out of this, safe and sound.

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