The worst?

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(M) Sabre POV:

I frowned at what he said. "Excuse me? What do you mean 'the worst'?" I asked defensively, a little annoyed.

"It means what I said. Honestly, are you deaf, too?" Galaxy muttered. "Actually- I take back what I said. The Sabre in the similar dimension is probably worse. At least you have the answer in this world..."

"Whatever," I muttered, not fully hearing what he said. Then his words hit me. And they hit hard. "Wait- 'similar dimension'? 'The answer'? What the heck is that supposed to mean?! Last time I checked, this dimension is unlike any other. This dimension is the only one where I am truly in control!"

"Eh. The First Curse will tell you whatever you want to hear to get you on his side. Honestly, with the whole multiverse, did you really think you were that different? There were two others that were similar. Of course, the Sabre in one of them permanently died, so that one caved in on itself. I guess it's a good thing that happened, though. The answer has been around a lot of realities, and we're lucky that it landed in this one of all of them," Galaxy rambled on.

At this point, Galaxy was basically talking to himself. I was zoning out, trying to grasp at everything he was saying. I knew of the multiverse, but what is he talking about? Two other dimensions that were similar, one of which has completely disappeared? And what is the answer he keeps bringing up?

"-... Hey, are you even listening to me?" Galaxy stopped in his rambling, looking at me with an irritated expression. He gave a frustrated sigh. "I suppose I better leave, anyways.."

And just like that he teleported away, not even giving me a chance to object. Rude, I thought to myself. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to find answers another way. Speaking of which, I should look to see if Twisted is still where  Galaxy said he was. I need to have a chat with him. I grinned at the thought, then teleported to the Yellow Steve Village.

It looked deserted, and there was a scuff in the Earth where it looked as though someone had fallen over. Strange. Weren't there Steves the last time I was here? Whatever- I can deal with that later. I looked around, then heard the groan of someone very distant. Squinting, I looked to where it was coming from, then gave a wicked smile. There, sitting up against a tree, was a slightly injured Twisted. He looked quite different, but I could tell from his strange voice that it was him. He was muttering to himself, complaining about something. I didn't really care, so I walked slowly towards him.

"You seriously got beaten by a girl with a stick?! No wonder Sabre beat you so easily," he chided... himself? "Well excuse me! I didn't see you doing anything! We're both in here, so you could stand to put in a little effort!"

I stopped where I was, unamused. Is he seriously arguing with himself? He's really reached a new low... "Hello, Twisted."

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