Finally an explanation. Kind of.(M) Sabre POV:

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(M) Sabre POV:

"Wait, you sent her where?!" I demanded Galaxy, shocked. He merely sighed, clearly annoyed at this point.

"I already told you, Sabre. Maybe listen the first time," Galaxy muttered. "Like I already said, Sabre, I sent her to the Original World. She'll be safer ther-" he stopped abruptly, surprise flickering in his yellow gaze. "Or at least that's what I thought would happen. Seems she's back already. My, my, that girl has quite the determination." Galaxy gave a faint smile, his expression showing approval.

"Dopple's back? But how do you know that?" I asked him, curious.

"I'm not just any Steve, Sabre. I'm Galaxy Steve. And a powerful one at that," he retorted angrily. "Anyways, where were we..... Ah yes, I remember now. We got a little off topic here, but I'll pick up where we left off. 'The other guy', as I said it, is Hypno Steve. He's very common in the multiverse, and, on most occasions, Sabres don't exactly see eye-to-eye with him. He's a bit of a looney, if you ask me."

"Hypno Steve... I remember him. Even the Original Sabre didn't have good terms with him."

"Exactly. Though, with how you are, I wouldn't be surprised if you joined him at this point," Galaxy said bitterly, something deeper hidden in his words.

What's that supposed to mean? I wanted to ask him. But I held my tongue. I need him to think I'm on his side. I'm already getting answers, so I might as well keep this act up. "A more powerful Galaxy Steve? He looked very powerful in my memories, so I kinda doubt that," I prodded him with my words, awaiting his response.

Galaxy scoffed. "The Original Galaxy was a fool. He had the smallest fraction of an understanding of his power. I, however, have full understanding and control. He's nothing compared to me."

This intrigued me. Nothing compared to the Original? I noticed that Galaxy seemed to think quite highly of himself. I could use this to my advantage very nicely. "Oh? How much stronger?"

"Stronger than even you, Sabre. While you are tethered to this world, I am not tethered to mine. I've been to countless realities, and I've met countless Sabres. To be frank, you're the worst of them."

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