Getting out of hand

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(M) M POV:

"You zoned out there for a while. You weren't even responding to your name. Is everything... good?" Elite asked, a concern in his voice.

If there was one thing the three of us all knew, it was that everything was not good. Still, hearing the concern in Elite's voice was reassuring. We may have gotten closer in our trust, but there were times when it was hard to see him as a person and not some creature of darkness. He was past the darkness by now, but that didn't exactly help. Now he had no way to fight back against Sabre. No way to defend himself or anyone else for that matter. Of course, this assumption was completely inaccurate. Sure, he was absolutely pummeled by him, but he was still fighting. I'm still not sure why he protected me, but it was another reassurance. Both to my understanding of him, and my guesses on his sanity.

Dopple opened her mouth to answer Elite, but before anything came out, the front door opened and someone walked inside. We all almost jumped out of our skins when we heard the creak of the door, but once we saw who it was, everyone relaxed. Peace... How I wish I could've felt this way back then... I shook my head, erasing those thoughts. I can speak. He can't bother me here. I might as well forget what happened and try to move on.

"As if you can do that. Do you really think you're safe here? Safe while knowing he's still alive? Pathetic," the voice said, louder than before. I felt a shiver go up my spine, and I wasn't able to focus on what was going on around me. I barely had the awareness to see the hurt expression on Dopple's face. Just barely. But that moment clicked me back to what was happening, and the ringing in my ears that I hadn't noticed disappeared. Now I had to figure out what was happening.

"You-.. What do you mean, 'no sister'?! I'm standing right in front of you!" Dopple said incredulously, confusion filling her voice.

"It's just as I said. I live alone. I don't know who you are, or why you're in my house, but you need to leave," a chillingly emotionless Gänger said, her blue-green gaze dull.

I remembered the fire in her eyes that had been there when I saw her for the first time, and this dull, empty gaze was nothing like it. Even Elite seemed to notice, from the way he tensed, still sitting in the chair. He had turned around to see Gänger when she'd entered, so his angle looked incredibly uncomfortable.

Dopple gave an exasperated sigh. "Elite, M. Turn away."

Elite looked like he wanted to say something, but there was something about the intensity in her voice and eyes that made us obey. Now, we had no idea what was happening besides what they said. And suddenly it felt agonizing to have to look away.

"Look at me, Gänger. Do you really not recognize me? We look almost identical! Look at my face, Gänger. Tell me, do you really not know who I am?" Even though I couldn't see what was happening, I could tell it was Dopple. You know, besides the point that she was addressing Gänger.

"Like I said, I don't know who you are. Now get out of my house."

And then I heard movement. The brushing of fabric against something, and then the shing of a sword being taken out of its hilt. I couldn't stand it any longer, and neither could Elite. We both turned and, faster than I'd ever seen him, Elite was already standing, pulling Dopple away from Gänger. She stepped back, following his guided hand, and, to my relief, no one had been attacked. Yet. Gänger pointed her sword at us, her tensed muscles seemingly opposite to her still-dull gaze. She was still emotionless, yet she seemed angry.

"Don't make me say it again, intruders. Get. Out. Of. My. House."

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