Wait- why did he- does he know these people?

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(F) Dopple POV:

As the echo of lightning died away, I wiped my eyes, still embarrassed from moments before. I noticed that Gänger looked like she was about to explode from anger, and I glanced at her nervously. Uhhhhhhhhhhh... Should I do something about that, or leave her alone? I didn't have much time to think about it, though, because she grabbed my hand, pulled out a mushroom, and we teleported suddenly.

Arriving at wherever the colors Gänger had teleported us to, I yelled over the fading echoes of new thunder, "Gänger, what the- why did you use the mushroom! You know they have limited usage!"

"I don't care! I'm not just gonna let some jerk disrespect your stew and get away with it!" she retorted.

Just as I was about to say something back, I realized where we were, and noticed what was happening around us. Yellow Steves stared at various scenes- two, to be exact. Some looked at us, surprised that we'd teleported into the Village, while others were staring at a group of three people, one of which I recognized. Sabre was staring(?) down two other people. One was a Red Steve in a somewhat ripped cloak, while the other- Wait, what?! Hold on a second... Wait....

"UHHHHHHHMMM!! Gänger, I see two Sabres. I- Am I- You see them both, too, right?! I'm not losing my mind, right?!" I panicked, glancing between the Sabre we'd seen, and the one that was differently colored. Almost like a shadow... I thought to myself.

"Nope! Not just you! I definitely see that!" Gänger said, her voice sounding just as overwhelmed and confused as mine.

The Sabres looked(?) at us, and the Red Steve did the same. We all kinda just stood there, either looking confused, terrified, or, in the green shirted Sabre's case, amused, yet furious.

"How did you follow me here..?" the green shirted Sabre asked, a surprisingly curious sound to his voice.

"Magical mushroom. But, uh, how in the name of colors are there two of you?!" Gänger blurted out the question that'd been on both of our minds.

"T-... two of him?" the shadowy Sabre asked, confused. "But-... there's only one of him..." His voice became small, fear making him shrink away from the green shirted Sabre. The Red Steve did the same, but he didn't seem as afraid. It looked more like he pitied the green Sabre than anything else, which seemed strange to me. People feel pain that you don't know about, Dopple. Why are you so surprised? And yet the pitying look he had filled me with wonder and, dare I say, compassion. How am I supposed to know the pains of someone I'd just met? I suddenly felt bad about my reaction with my stew. Sure, that'd hurt, but how much more had the green shirted Sabre hurt before I met him?

The green shirted Sabre looked away from Gänger and I, facing the shadowy Sabre and the Red Steve. Before I even realized what was happening, I felt myself running forward between them. Chaos ensued. I felt a wave of agonizing pain as Sabre shot lightning at the shadowy Sabre- only I blocked it with myself. I suddenly felt weak, and the world began to spin. Using all of my strength, I said before collapsing, "Don't- don't hurt him..."

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