Other non-Steves?

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({M}ale) Sabre POV:

The crash of lightning filled my senses as I teleported, and the scenery around me changed. I was suddenly back in the forest where it'd all begun- the birch forest I'd woken up in. To my surprise, though, it seemed that I wasn't alone. There were two others there, but they were strange. They were both definitely not Steves. They both wore hoodies, their faces covered. I could just make out the blue-ish green eyes of the one in orange, and the green eyes of the one in, ironically enough, green. They both had necklaces with half-hearts that looked like they could connect. The one in green had a "D" engraved on it, and the one in orange had a "G" engraved on it.

"Hi there! I'm Dopple!" the one in green said with a surprisingly happy tone. I stood there, confused. Dopple? Seriously? What kind of name is that?

"Who-... who are you?" I asked, not sure if the one in green was being serious or not.

"Uhh, Dopple. You know, like I said? Whatever- this is my sister, Gänger," the one in green gestured to the one in orange. "And you are?"

I suddenly became very suspicious of the two of them. "Who I am is none of your business." Apparently, though, I'd hit a nerve, because the one in orange reacted furiously.

"But who we are is your business? We asked who you are, so answer," her voice was lined with a threatening hue.

This filled me with a strange feeling. Who did this person think she was? I'm your creator, I wanted to say. And I really don't care if you like that or not. I felt a hysterical laugh build up in me, and I let it out. The orange figure's eyes flickered momentarily with a hint of fear. So you're afraid after all, I hid a smile. "I'm Sabre"

To my surprise, both of the figures' eyes seemed to light up with a confused recognition. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd heard of me by now. There were probably rumors. I didn't really care, though. So what if I was feared? So what if I was hated? I had been lied to and cheated. I had been hurt and threatened. And the world was going to face my fury, whether it was their fault or not.

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