'Aight, I'ma head out.

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(M) Sabre POV:

As I teleported away, the weird feeling finally disappeared. It was nothing more than that, anyways. Just a feeling, and nothing else. And yet the voice I had heard still echoed through my mind, its sound familiar.

"That's right. You do know me. So remember. Think harder. Surely it shouldn't be this difficult," the voice boomed in my mind, its tone somewhat patronizing. "Unless even that's too hard for you?"

I looked at my surroundings, noticing that I was back in the birch woods where I had started. And where I met Dopple and Gänger, I noted to myself. I still didn't fully understand what had just happened with them- how Dopple was standing and walking just fine, and how Gänger had changed her appearance. I had my guesses, but as I sat down on a stump, I realized with a jolt that Dopple had looked okay. She hadn't even had a single scratch on her. So then why did she collapse? Maybe Gänger is right... Something seemed off, after all.

"...Are you ignoring me? How rude," the voice scolded, talking to me as if I were a child.

"No. I just have more important things to think about. Besides, I don't even know who you are, or what you look like. Why should I listen to anything you have to say?"

"Very well then. You wish to see me? Then go right ahead- I'm just behind you, after all."

I nearly jumped out of my skin as I quickly turned and came face to face with a strange looking Steve. His voice definitely fitted his look. The Steve was the colors of the night sky itself, and he had bright, yellow eyes, shining with a deep power. I tried to say something, but my voice caught in my throat. I do know you! You were in the memories I was shown... I realized. But you sound very different...

"Well? Is this good enough for you?" the Steve asked, his eyes flickering with annoyance.

"I-... You're Galaxy Steve, aren't you..." I said slowly, saying it more like a statement than a question. "I remember you from the memories I was shown. But why do you sound different?"

"What, you thought I would be the same in every multiverse? Honestly, how naive can you be..." Galaxy practically muttered, unamused.

I didn't respond, feeling at a loss of words, but after a few moments, I found my voice again. "What do you want with me?" I demanded. Galaxy remained silent, his gaze unreadable.

After a few moments, he responded, "You're on a mission of revenge, aren't you? And yet you just left both of the people you were searching for."

"I- What? But- but I didn't even know Dopple or Gänger until a few minutes ago, and M wasn't part of it! The only person there was Elite..."

"Oh, really? Wow, you're more ignorant than I expected. Are you sure that blindfold doesn't, you know, affect your eyesight?" Galaxy asked, his voice giving off no sign that he cared.

"No," I said sharply, becoming annoyed. "Just answer my question."

"You've already answered it yourself, Sabre. Who is the one you didn't see? It was Twisted, of course."

I felt a cold dread fill me. M... I hope you're okay... "Explain."

"Well, it wasn't just Twisted, but you usually don't like the other guy, so I doubt it matters."

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