Chapter Two; "Mad scientist"

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They call this place the "glade" apparently. Everyone's only been here a month but it's already running like they've spent ages organizing it. They have jobs, authority, some form of information about the place and shelters set up. Minho remembered every word they said, wanting to keep that trapped. The guy, Nick, ran the people who they called gladers. He was the second to come up in the box, everyone had begun just like him. No memories, confused and overwhelmed. They said to just give it a night and tomorrow he'll test for the jobs to see which one fits.

     A bonfire was starting up and he was left alone to wander through the glade, walking through buildings and checking what's inside. He kept a distance from the forest, figuring it wouldn't be the smartest to explore it in the dark.

     When he came to the building you had disappeared into he stopped, looked around, and opened the door.

     The one big room was occupied with tables shoved against the walls covered in metal parts, tools, wires. Shelves lined the walls filled with gadgets he hadn't seen in his life. The larger of the contraptions were set out on the floor. Two hammocks were strung up in a corner, pillows and blankets tucked in them and a strange radio looking thing below it. And even stranger is that he could hear voices coming from the box radio.

     He picked it up, bringing it close to his ear to try and hear the words but it sounded muffled and unintelligible. But even the fact that this was here proved that there had to be something outside these walls. There were people out there.

     "Cool huh?"

     He jumped, the box crashing to the ground as he whirled around to see you shutting the door while wiping your hands off on your pants.

     "Sorry I thought everyone was crowding around at that bonfire thing, I just let myself in. Looked cozy," He said. To his relief you snorted and smiled at his remark.

     You walked over to him and picked up the radio, giving it a good shake, "No sweat off my back, everything is still in one piece."

     "Where did you get that?" He asked, watching as you set it down on a table.

     "I made it, the first working thing I made here," You answered.

     "So you're like an inventor?"

     You shrugged, "Sort of, I'm the Keeper of the Med Jacks, help out with building here and there but I do this every minute outside that."

     "No one told me there was a mechanic option," He held up a small circular disk made out of metal.

     "It's because there isn't one. Just me." You said.

     "You're joking? All of this," He raised his arms to encompass the whole room, "is made by one person?"

     "Yep," You smile.

     "And I'm supposed to believe that you haven't actually put a chip in my head?" He asked.

     "You laugh and just the sound makes him smile.

     "I say that to scare the greenies," You told him, "And I wouldn't blow your head up anyway, you're cool."

     "Much appreciated?"

     You sat up on a table in the middle of the room and he sat with you.

     For a long moment it was quiet before you spoke up.

     "Want to see something I've been working on?" You blurted out, wincing after you said it, "It's not that big of a deal, just you know, breaking the silence."

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