Chapter Six; "Selfish and Strained"

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You quietly walked through the woods, Minho following as loud as an elephant behind you.

"What is wrong with your feet?!" You hissed.

"Excuse me?" He said back.

"Be quiet you giant god of a human!" You whisperer yelled, "You're scaring the buggin things away!"

"I think they just don't like you," He answered stoutly.

"Shut up," You said, throwing him the solid metal container where you would hold the beetle blade once you caught it, "Hold this."

"Why am I holding the container?!"

"Because I said so! Slim it!"

You crouched under a branch and listened intently. You wanted to get this done before nightfall, it would be impossible to see them at night but right now was perfect. The sunset would reflect off them and they would be as bright as a light bulb.

There it was again, the scuttling followed by the small buzz of technology. The sound they made every time they moved if you listened hard enough. You looked up, squinting through tree branches and leaves before you caught the glare of the sun off a beetle blades back, Not too far above the branches.

You took the cage, securing it in one hand, "Stay here, be quiet, tell me if it moves."

"You're going up there? That's a little high don't you- well fine just ignore me," He grumbled as you climbed up the tree anyway.

You clung onto branches, heaving yourself up as silently as you could. The beetle blade sat just on the branch above you so you balanced with one hand and opened the cage with the other. When you reached up to catch it it had scurried a branch higher.

"Little buggin twerp," You mumbled, leaning all your weight on the branch behind you.

You readied yourself, your knee propped on the next branch so you could spring forward and catch it.

You waited, seeing it move back and forth where it perched until it came to a stop and you lurched forward, dragging yourself up and scooping the scuttling creature into the cage, slamming the top on with a noisy snap.

Your body kept moving forward, sending you hurdling into an unsteady branch and it completely snapped off from the trunk under your weight. You yelled as you fell, knocking into branches until you hit the ground with much less of an impact then you expected.

Your eyes remain closed for a few seconds before opening and seeing Minho with his arms supporting you on the ground.

"See, this is why I brought you," You teased.

"I know I haven't met that many people but you are by far the most stupid smart person I have ever met."

"I think I did great."

"Of course you do."

"Nice to know you care, pretty boy."

"You moved away from him and looked around the forest floor.

"Here's your weird beetle thing," Minho said, picking it up and dusting off the cage.

You took it, checking it to make sure it was still in there. Based on the angry scuttling thing inside it was most definitely occupied.

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