Chapter Thirty Nine; "Very classy"

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     You swear you nearly walked right back into the room and demanded for neither of them to leave but that would be irrational. If they wanted to kill them, they would have done it instantly the minute you stepped out into the maze. They weren't dead yet, they may be made a target by grievers and further threats but they weren't dead. Maybe the creators could never just kill them instantly, that could have very well just been a lie.

     You refrained yourself and walked on, taking a shower, dressing and ending up at Minho's room in the hogsmeade. You just stood outside the door, knowing you probably looked rather creepy.

     He had been given a room after your accident, when he became valuable and essential. You never wanted to go near him then, let alone see his room. Now you begrudgingly stood in front of it, knocking awkwardly.

     "Not now Newt!" He hollered.

     You pounded harshly on the door again, "Sorry to disappoint but mamma Newt had a hot date with the greenie! You got second best!"

     There was a shocked pause before several heavy footsteps and the door swung open. Minho was shirtless, looking at you disapprovingly.

     Almost instantly your eyes scanned over his chest and shoulders, wetting your lips unintentionally.

     "What do you want?" He demanded, "Are you eye-fucking me?"

     "Nice six pack you freaking mutant alien, teenagers aren't supposed to look like Greek gods," You reached out and lightly punched his bicep, the dude was muscular to match, "Holy crap, what genes did you get? I feel scammed."

     He looked away, ears flushing with color but he didn't say a word about it, "I can't tell if you're insulting me or complimenting me."

     "Yes," You then moved on with no further explanation, "Right, I'm not Newt, I'm not the best with playing therapist but you're not allowed to pout anymore. We have things to do and you need to put a shirt on or you're getting shanked by some boy in this maze. Nobody can tell me everyone here is straight, it's statistically impossible-"

     "Your pep talks suck!" He turned to close the door again but you walked into the room before he could.

     "If I had the energy to give you a pep talk I would fix my horrid mental health but Newt said we still have to go to the bunker tonight, bring what you need. You're not sleeping on my bed," You said.

     "Why do I have to do this again? Can't you just build the stupid bombs on your own?" He rummaged for a shirt through his drawers.

     "I have a strong suspicion he just wants us both out of the way," You answered, "Chucks staying in the weapons room, safe and sound, Newts not letting me drag him to the bunker. Perfect time for someone to accidentally get impaled with a wrench."

     "You're pissing me off more , you know that?" He tugged a shirt on.

     "I'll bring moonshine, we still have plenty in stock," You completely ignored his words.

     He gave you a skeptical look, making you roll your eyes.

     "You don't have to drink any, do what you please. The bombs are made and ready, Newt doesn't know that, just go along with it until we figure out the message and how to escape," You opened the door again, "Until then, me and you get to spend the night trapped in a bunker together."

     "I would rather get eaten by a griever," Minho said flatly.

     "I second that," You gave a short wave, "Stop brooding roomie, there's still things to do and not everyone can go off the deep end all at once."

     "Eat shit."

     You smirked, "Very classy, let's go."

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