Chapter Twenty; "Excited to join the family?"

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From that hungover morning that was spent vomiting, headaches, Newt's heavy disapproval and scolding, big glasses of water and mischievous glances across the table to months of creating a whole new system in the glade. You both named it, very simply, the Runners and the two of you shared the role as keeper happily.

The first two weeks were spent approving volunteers, devising a usable system, training the runners, experimenting with the first of the griever caller replicat.

Within the first month you had a group, a plan and you had the first prototype made and prepped. The only difference is it could only be used once, only one chance but from month two of finally being prepared enough to enter the maze there were no grievers in sight. When you don't search for them directly they don't seem to care. So you kept the original in your workshop, spending every other day slowly piecing together more for everyone. In the evenings that you spent solely in the glade Minho would stop by the workshop and lay back in a hammock, looking over notes and filling you in using a tone that helped you ease into calm mindsets.

And Newt was there too, Newt who had been the first to volunteer and the first to qualify. The three of you, two sitting in hammocks, one sitting in a new beloved rolly chair that you liked to walk backwards around the room in.

You became somewhat of a trio and somehow Alby popped into the mix, not lounging around like the two other boys did but sitting down and going over the day's journey in Nick's place because everyone knew he couldn't stand you. He wouldn't admit it but you think Alby liked you more then he let on, you hated his rules and his system, but you only mildly disliked him on some occasions.

It only got better each month, a building was made to store our maps, specialized running supplies were sent up in the box, you and Minho stayed up all night to make a replica of the maze, knowing it will expand as your knowledge of it does. But you didn't talk more about the two of you, only shared short affections like a hand resting on yours when it's fidgeting or picking at your lips. Another pair of concerned eyes tracking if you got enough sleep to keep running that week and getting closer at meals, nearly having arms wrapped around the other. The only kisses were short and messy when you had both had too much to drink. But it was enough, more than you ever hoped for, being devoted to your work and inventions and laughing with Minho while Newt drifted off on walks through the glade. You thought it was enough for everyone.

The runners ran in pairs of three, making small work but coming back safely, slowly expanding into a few going two at a time, and even one. Only people you trusted. You missed running with Newt, though, when he would run on his own it made the walls seem duller to you.

Although he was quieter now, didn't talk as much but it didn't concern you, he worked through the strange things this maze did to your head like everyone was. You figured the months that you felt happiest, he had to, you thought he had to be happy because never once did he complain or say otherwise. You thought you knew him well enough, you had always hoped you did.

Today you jogged back to the glade, leaping every other step with high spirits to the map room. You got to explore more of a new section, you got to add more to the model of the maze. It made you feel good despite the sweat that clung to your skin and slicked your shirt.

You came to a stop inside, leaving the door open to let in air while you breathed heavily. You got to work, having to wipe your sweaty palms off every few seconds to keep at it. But you were smiling from ear to ear, moving your feet in different rhythms to control the giddy energy. After this you could shower then do whatever you wanted, making another griever call replica would be a good use for this motivation. You wanted to get things done before it faded, just like you had planned earlier.

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