Chapter Nine; "Outside the box"

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"Are you done yet?" Minho asked for the fifth time.

"Ask me that again and I will gut you," You snapped, then added, "And yes, I'm done."

"Finally, oh my god," Minho rolled out of the hammock and got up, jumping up and down to warm up, "So what's the plan?"

"Don't go getting your undies in a twist," You said, tossing him a key, "There's a secret drawer in the wall behind the cupboard, inside are two bands that you wear around your wrist. When you're running and moving your arms around it will buzz the other one if they are in range, it will keep us from getting too far away from each other. Be careful, if you touch the wires when it buzz's then there goes your klunkin life."

"Wonderful, more death stuff," Minho said, already moving the cupboard and unlocking the drawer, "Do you ever make anything, you know, safe?"

"I made the radio," You said, "Well, as long as you don't spin the left toggles too much to the left it should be fine."

"That's not comforting at all," He retrieved the bands and clamped one around his wrist, holding it up like it was a fashion accessory, "How do I look?"

You mocked looking him up and down, "Very fashionable, the grey really makes your dead ends pop."

"Thanks," He tossed over the other one and you put your own on, shaking your arm so he felt the buzz against the sensitive skin of his wrist.

"Okay, plan time," You said, breathing out heavily and swinging your arms to make the jittery feeling go away.

Minho was beside you at the table immediately, "Let's go, tell me about this top secret idea that you haven't been able to tell me until now."

"Okay, fairly easy, it's midday, the doors are open. I wanted to go in the morning but there were scheduling issues so we are going to have to work around that," You looked at him and gave him a hesitant look, "How fast of a runner are you?"

He shrugged, "No clue, why?"

"Because you're going to have to run like your life depends on it. We get one chance and one chance only," You told him.

"High stakes, I like."

You rolled your eyes but continued, "Nobody notices much so we will get pretty far just by walking to the walls, might have to make a run for it if we need to. Once out there we'll keep track of where we go by leaving rocks, Hansel and Grettle style if you will. Then we will proceed to keep walking until we find a griever, record it screeching, and see if it indeed responds the way we want to its own call."

"Okay," He nodded, "So, please specify the testing out if it works, because I feel like that's sort of more important than you're making it sound."

You didn't look at him when you started speaking again, just putting items into two bags, "We are going to have to get fairly close to record it's call, after that we will have to press the repeat button and hope for it to hesitate instead of coming and attacking us."

"How close is fairly close."

"At the very most, thirty feet. Otherwise it will be an unclear signal."

Minho whistled, "That's going to be a toughy."

"Yeah, I know, so we're going to have to run incredibly fast," Then as if this wasn't an important detail you said, "Then the griever will have to be in some sort of aggressive state for it to work properly, I'll be the one pressing the button, you'll report the conclusion from an outsider party. In short, you'll be observing."

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