Chapter Thirty Four; "More than family"

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    There was never any celebration of life for anyone else that died, but due to Alby's commands, everyone got the day off and people could decide whether or not they wanted to watch him be buried. You thought it was rather weird to sit and watch someone be covered in dirt when there wasn't going to be anything done afterwards but you followed Newt along, Chuck holding your hand while you watched.

    It was silent, almost awkward until most of the people left. Alby was the one to carve his name into the grave stone and that was that. You weren't one to speak ill of the dead so you just kept your mouth shut, letting Newt stand by Alby with his hand on his shoulder.

    Eventually you let Chuck run back to the workshop, leaving with Newt and Alby. Newt stopped, tailing behind with you and waiting until Alby was walking far ahead to speak.

    "Alby wants me to be his second in command," He said.

     "That seems right, people listen to you, you're a good leader," You complimented, "Go for it, just don't get a big head on me."

     He nodded, looking up at Alby walking away with slumped shoulders, "I know Nick wasn't the best but he was Alby's friend and Alby's my..." He trailed off, seeming to try and find the right word.

     "Hey," You hit his shoulder lightly to get his attention, "Listen, I know you've always said how relationships only complicate things and everyone here is one big family, I get that, I really do," You put your hands on his shoulders, his jacket rough against your hands, "But it's okay if he's more then family to you. If he means something more than that."

     He looked up at you, "You wouldn't- I mean I know you wouldn't mind but would that be weird to you?"

     "It's not weird for people to like each other, I mean Alby's a little short in my opinion but-"

     "That's not what I meant you shank!" He wrinkled his nose and you laughed, wrapping one arm around him.

     "Just use protection, did you get the education for guys? I mean I could request a book and see what-" Newt shoved you, face going bright red.

     "We are done talking about this! Bloody hell Y/n!" His face flushed and you laughed.

     Right, right," You patted his arm affectionately, "You're probably so experienced, I don't even know. You might be the real sneaky one in this duo."

     He covered his face but you could hear him stifling a laugh, "Bugger off!"

     You snickered and waited for him to calm his reddened ears. He took a breath and looked back up at you.

     "Don't tell anyone, yeah? I don't really want it prodcasted everywhere," He told you.

     "I've got your back," You assured him, "Go! He's gonna need you one way or another."

     His face went bright red again.

     "I meant emotional support but your face says you mean something else," You wiggled your fingers at him, "Newtie getting laid?"

     "Newt is walking away!" He announced, covering his face with his hand while he waltzed away, "Newt is not bugging talking about this! Goodnight!"

     "Goodnight!" You called back and he shouted for you to shut up anyway.

     You smiled at him and walked back to your own hut, happier by today than originally planned.

Present Day
     You bargained hard with Frypan to get the wax paper while Minho got the kiddie craft supplies. Eventually you both came racing back into the room, beating him by a few seconds even with a bad leg and setting the wax paper on the table.

     Thomas explained what everyone would do and you raised an eyebrow at the idea. He wanted everyone to start cutting out wax paper the size of maps and trace them with different maps. You didn't understand it at first but went along, knowing that this could quite literally be everyone's last hope. After a while, though, you caught onto the idea, surprised at how impossibly simple yet complicated it was.

     Your respect for Thomas went up considerably.

     Your fingers turned stiff by the time there was enough to test Thomas's theory. You handed him a stack and let him shuffle through before pulling out the final page he needed, setting eight pieces of wax paper stacked on top of each other on the table.

     You felt a grin spread over your face when it revealed the letter 'F', lines connecting perfectly to present it. You clapped Thomas on the shoulder.

     "You my guy, are the smartest stupid person I have ever met," You said, staring at the letter with a new found hope.

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