Chapter Sixty Three; "All hell broke loose"

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Recovered Memory, 1

"Watch yourself," A woman reminded you quietly, "That's no way to succeed."

"You said I had to win, not succeed," You pointed out, moving your pawn forward.

"Sacrificing your queen is no way to win," She reprimanded, "All for the sake of what? A few rooks? They're not nearly as issential."

"I like rooks," You muttered, "They make me stronger."

"They weaken you," She corrected, taking your queen and trapping your king, "They blind you."

You took out the queen with a bishop, forcing her into check. You leaned back in your chair, hands folded and said again with a shrug, "I like rooks."

She shook her head, taking the rook that trapped you. You shut your eyes, muttering a curse, the game was done, clear as day.

You held your hand out and she shook it, you gave this game to her.

She stood up, handing the rook back to you, "You can't protect both rooks, you have to protect your king. Don't waver your defenses for something like this."

     You swallowed but nodded, taking the piece, "Yes Chancellor."

     "Good, improve, change strategies," She said, "Tomorrow, is a new game. I'll be white."

     She left, the door hanging slightly open behind her. You shook your head, putting the rook back in its place, stupid peice. You choose them over the king, stupid of you.

     You turned to the door, seeing a small brunette boy peek through the crack, brown eyes widening at you.

     You smiled, even waved. He was your age, eleven, the partner of the girl. The telepathic connection pair. You could help him if needed, you did help come up with it.

     He smiled back but quickly looked down the hall and ran off, making you hop up and run to the door after him.

     Your hand just grasped the door handle when a taller man appeared, face rat-like and formal.

     "Goodnight," He said, shutting the door right in your face. It locked immediately, you didn't step in or out of this room unless permitted, much less allow people in. The boy must have known that.

     You stood there, alone in the dark room, the only light you ever kept on was from the computer screens. And at times like this, you truly felt alone.


Present Day

     You jolted awake, blinking slowly, you felt eyes on you, like you were being watched. That feeling scared the living shuck out of you.

     The room was blinding now, the early morning light setting your eyes on fire. You stared downward, blinking feverishly to get used to the brightness.

     You freeze completely, eyes widening, almost letting out a scream of panic. There was a face, pressed between two sturdy metal bars, just below your bunk. They stared directly at you with only one eye, the other covered in an eye patch. Their clothes were torn and patchy, you could even see missing teeth when they grinned madly at you.

     You glanced around the room and saw men and women of the same appearance but at excessively worse phases of deterioration pressing themselves to the bars, trying to slither through.

     "Wakey, wakey," The person below said, chapped lips pulling dangerously tighter with each twitch of the lips. Your hand slowly started reaching for a gun but only found the lighter stored away in your pocket.

     "I like your boyfriends hair," The phyco said, eyes diving into insanity as they reached through the bars, "I'll take his scalp with it!"

     Without a second thought, you lit the creature on fire, watching it lick up their arm as they shrieked and fell back to bat it out.

     As if it had set off a series of bombs other began to scream, writhing and chucking themselves at the bars like wild animals.

     All hell broke loose.

(End of book one)

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