Chapter Four; "Everythings going to change"

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     As Minho spent the next day working away in the bloodhouse, then the other half of the day in the gardens everything grew tedious. It was fine, it was all perfectly fine but he felt like he was doing absolutely nothing. He was doing exactly what anyone else could do, probably better than him since he wasn't the best. And it was all just a whole day of boring old fine.

     He wouldn't be able to do these jobs every day, any of them. It would drive him up the wall.

     So after dinner, with one last shove from how boring the conversations were at dinner, he waltzed into your workshop, slamming the door open and looking directly at you to say, "I'm in."

     You looked up at him over a watch you were repairing, shooting him a grin.

     "In on what?" Newt asked immediately, sitting in one of the hammocks in the corner.

     "Greenie here knows something about mechanics," You lie with ease, "If he was interested I told him to drop by and I could train him more, everyones been looking for another genius."

     Newt looked at Minho with surprise, "Really? You're good with gadgets, are you greenie?"

     "Don't sound so surprised," Minho replied coolly, getting on track with the fake story.

     "Great, we've been hoping for someone else to join Mastermind over here, I'll let Nick know, see what he wants to do about it," Newt said.

     "I'll need the next few days to see what he knows, could you ask Nick for me?" You asked him.

     He nodded, "Yeah, got a Gathering tonight anyways, better time than ever."

     With a struggle he got to his feet and put his crutches under his arms, using them to limp to you, you offered him a kinder, less conniving smile and patted his shoulder.

     "Good as new," You said, clipping the watch around his wrist.

     "Thanks," He said, returning your smile.

     "Don't mention it," You nudged his side, "I'll be a little late to the meeting, save me a seat?"

     "I always do," He agrees, limping out of the room with a nod to Minho.

     Minho nodded back, not sure what else to do but stand there now. He only thought so far.

     "So," He tried, attempting to start a conversation, "are you and him, like, a thing?"

     You snorted, "Me and Newt? Don't be stupid. Close the door and pull up a chair, we have work to do."

     With a questionable more happy mood he shut the door and sat on an open stool while you took the walkie talkie looking thing out from its hiding spot and placed it on the table. He noticed it had been improved considerably in under twenty four hours because the wires that poked out of it were hidden and an antenna was sticking out the top.

     "We have three days at least to get this done, we are missing major parts so we'll have to find a lot of substitutes," You began to explain, "I'll work on improving this but I'm also the keeper of the Med jacks, I can't be around here twenty four seven and working twenty four seven during the day. You, however, have just gotten a ticket to lounge around here for most of the day. And since you obviously have no knowledge of how to build what I'm trying to construct you will be going through those," You pointed to large crates slid under tables against the wall, "Those are filled with parts, scraps, and what looks like junk but if you call it junk I will hit you, those crates are quite literally the only reason why I'm still here."

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