Chapter Eighteen; "Something you can't handle?"

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     Bonfires had been invented, surprisingly enough, by Frypan. Or, the cooks in general. They liked the idea of using scraps from the kitchen to make extra food for celebrations and eventually it became a big ordeal in the glade.
     There had only been three in the months you've been here, each for various reasons, most too dumb to explain but it was always interesting. Especially after the added factor of moonshine, hoarded by Gally in a shed where he only had the key. You considered him the keeper of the builders and moonshine.

     Of course there were strict rules on consumption and when it can be used and you had never been allowed to go within ten feet of it. Something about you having access to too many dangerous tools. Yes you knew where the blow torches were but you weren't that dumb. You hoped.

     So most bonfires were a bore, everyone getting tipsy and happy while you were slouched in a corner watching Newt and Alby converse in a corner. You liked to call it flirting but that would always earn you a smack over the head from Newt.

     Tonight however, while you sat on a log by the fire with everyone yelling like maniacs, Minho sat in the spot beside you with an extra cup.

     He held it out to you, "You look extremely depressed when you're not allowed to drink."

     You stuck your tongue out at him, "I'm not allowed to."

     "Says who?"

     "Says- well- every keeper that has met me."

     He laughed, "You went against all of them just to go out into some klunkin death maze, threatened their lives and held Nick at knife point. And you are scared of some moonshine?"

     "Shut up," You muttered but took it anyway, taking a hesitant gulp. It burned, making you cough harshly at the unexpected bigger taste.

     That made Minho cackle and you shoved him off the log.

     You kept clearing your throat for a few minutes until you could take another swig, wincing but taking it better.

     "That is disgusting," You said.

     Minho shrugged, "You get used to it."

     "Oh yeah Mr. Big Man? You think you're so tough?"

     "Yeah I do."

     "Really?" You sassed, taking another long drink, "How?"

     "I made the first move," He said bluntly.

     "You opened your mouth to reply, then shut it, gaping at his bold statement. Bold but true.

     Instead of replying you drained the rest of the moonshine you had.

     "I'm not drunk enough to talk about this with you," You said.

     "We're not allowed to get drunk," Despite his words and nonchalant tone you could see him looking at you knowingly.

     You grinned and he did too when you pulled him up and both of you jogged to your workshop. He watched you knock things off shelves until you grabbed a box, flaunting it to him.

     "You don't have a problem with bribery, right?" You asked cheekily.

     "I think I've proven that I'm no snitch," He said right back.

     You grasped his wrist, pulling him back to the bonfire and leaving him there while you sat by Gally, conversing with him without Minho interfering.

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