Chapter Ten; "Doing the peoples work"

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"Act cool, like you're just walking, people won't notice a thing."

"I would like it to be made known that I think this is not going to work whatsoever," Minho muttered.

"Are you saying my plans don't work?"

"If I say yes will I get blown up?"


"Then of course not your plans are wonderful!" He faked cheeriness and you jabbed him in the ribs.

The two of you strolled through the glade, directly toward the doors but so casually that nobody seemed to pay any attention. You were more than halfway there now.

"Look, we are doing fine," You pointed out.

"Buggin' psycho."

"You know what nobody asked for your dumbed down opinion, I'm the genius, shut your trap or I'll use you as greiver bait."


"Aye Y/n, greenie!" Alby yelled.

"You cursed and turned around to walk backwards, muttering to Minho, "Keep walking, slowly."

He slowed his pace, following your lead.

"What's up Alby, my man?" You asked.

"Structure problems with the builders, going to need your help," He said.

"Yeah, I'll be right there, I just have something to finish up first," You told him.

"Minho couldn't see him but he could imagine the suspicion crossing the older boy's face.

"Y/n, get your shank butt back here right now and tell me what your thinker is up to."

Alby walked over faster and Minho felt you pressing on his back to pick up his pace.

"No can do, got things and such to accomplish, big plans, big plans," You said, "Run."

You were off running already and Minho sprinted after you, right into the maze. You gripped his shirt and pulled him right, digging stones from your bag and starting to drop them at random while you ran.

And you were laughing, laughing of all things. As if your insanity was contagious he laughed with you, easily keeping pace while you threw a rock down and whooped, leading him down different corridors.

"We're going to get banished!" You yelled with no worry at all.

Minho liked this, liked running, and the adrenaline rush. And you, you were a big part of liking this, "What's banished?"

You fell into step with him, "Well they bring out this big collar and clip it around your neck and then it's connected to this bigger pole thing and all the keepers push you out to the maze." You explained, "It's usually only for phycos from the changing but a few nasty shanks got sent out too. It's justice."

"So you do that instead of killing?" He asked.

"Nobody has ever survived a night in the maze but they have a chance, they can't come back of course but if they find a way out, good on them," You said, "I think a few people have found a way out because there was never a body or they just got eaten. But, to be fair, the rules are there for a reason, you break them and that's on you."

"Aren't we breaking them?"

"Well yeah but we are doing it with intelligence and good intentions," You paused before adding, "Mostly."

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