Chapter Fifty Eight; "The final variable"

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"What is he doing here?" Minho shouted, "He's supposed to be dead!"

"You are safe," The woman said, "We advise you to be at ease. Y/n, that goes for you. Give us respect."

"Respect?!" You spat.

"Be at ease?!" Minho shouted at the same time, "Are you kidding me? Who are you to even tell us that? I want to see some authority figures! A president, mayor, police, somebody!"

"You don't deserve respect after the things you've done!" You added, "I don't care what reasons you had, we need answers!"

Her eyes narrowed and you knew you were pushing her patience, "You don't know anything of what you speak about. Have some maturity!"

"That's why I asked you to explain it to us brainless!" You mocked, "You're holding a gun to my friend's head, you pull the trigger and I'll cut your throat!"

Both you and Minho took a step forward but Newt tugged you back by your arms, "We won't get any answers if she's dead, Y/n."

When he was sure you and Minho would stay in place, he let go and said, "What's going on Gally?"

Gally didn't respond, shaking his head once, eyes glancing at the women. She looked at him approvingly, almost proudly.

"One day soon you will all be grateful for what we've had to do, I can promise you that. Accept it or everything will become a mistake. Dark times have come Mr. Newton, very dark times," She said.

"What did you do to him, you piece of scum," You demanded, "What did you do to Gally?"

"All in good time, Y/n," She said, "Now it's time for the final variable."

Gally began to tremble, his face sweating and drained of colors. His eyes were wet, lips twitching as if he was straining to speak against an unknown force. And he chose you to stare at.

Chuck moved to stand in between you and Thomas, eager to be behind people he trusted.

"Gally," You said, "Gally what's wrong? What did they do to you?"

Words burst from his mouth, just like the day they did before his supposed death, "They... can control me!" He gasped, one of his hands coming to wrap around his throat, he continued to choke out more, "Making me... do...."

A wretched sense of déjà-vu hit you, this was just like Alby, thrashing in the bed, nearly killing himself. He was being controlled too.

"Okay, Gally, just let me-" You tried to say but didn't have time to finish when Gally made the quick action of slipping a dagger from his pocket. The blade must have been freshly cleaned because it glimmered in the chamber lights.

With accuracy you knew Gally himself would never have, he threw the knife, sending it spinning toward Thomas.

It windmilled, shooting toward Thomas and you didn't have the sense to move, to somehow block the attack. Your only instinct was to reach for Chuck who stood beside you but your hand closed on empty air.

In the few seconds your head shot looked at where Chuck was supposed to be, you heard a heart wrenching scream.

Your eyes shifted, seeing the knife sink to the hilt in Chuck's chest. He stood in front of Thomas, wavering for only a second with a screech of pain, before he fell to the ground.

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