Chapter Fifty Four; "Took the blood on his hands"

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     You gripped Thomas's arm, "Go, now!"

     "How am I supposed to get through that?!" He yelled.

     "Figure it out!" You yelled back, shoving away from him.

     "We'll hold them off!" Minho told him, Teresa was moving to the front. You brushed shoulders with her but no Chuck followed.

     Immediately you shoved people out of your way. You managed to get to the rear, grasping Chuck's shoulders when you saw his tufts of brown hair.

     "Ready?!" You heard someone, Minho, yell from the front.

     You looked frantically around at the oncoming grievers and decided to make a command of your own.

     "Use the bombs in the back on Minho's command!" You instructed, several people nodded, even passed the message along.

     To Chuck, you pulled him behind you and told him in a quiet voice, "Close your eyes."

     "Now!" Minho hollered.

     Chuck shut his eyes tight, spear clutched in his right hand when you threw one of your bombs. The world turned completely black as griever guts exploded, splattering people, walls. Oil slicked the ground and screams erupted, wails of grievers.

     You found Chuck's free hand and pulled him along, careful not to slip on puddles of oil. It was difficult to weave your way through without getting caught in misfired explosions, sticking to the walls with weapons at the ready.

     "Thomas?!" You screamed, watching a head turn in front of you at the name.

     Everything was a mush of black, grey and red had even begun to swarm into the mix.

     You gripped his shoulder, stopping him and Teresa in their path, without a word you let go of Chuck's hand and made to run away.

     "Don't leave!" Chuck yelled.

     They couldn't stay in that position any longer but Chuck clutched your hand again, wouldn't let you go.

     "I'll walk you to the Cliff," You said.

     "There's an opening!" Teresa shouted.

     Boys came up to flank on the right while you bolted with them to the griever hole, slashing at grievers who wailed while gladers screamed in pain. You hoped Chuck kept his eyes forward, this was getting too much for even you to see.

     You pulled the three to a stop at the edge, seeing the thick vines stretch out to circle the entrance of the griever hole. This was smart of the runners, there was a very slim chance of a mis jump now.

     "Hurry up!" You demanded.

     "Teresa, you go first," Thomas said.

     "How kind of you," She grunted but jumped without hesitation. You would take a moment to be impressed by her bravery if you weren't so caught up with Chuck being the next to get to safety. It looked as if she disappeared into a void of nothingness, the vines that cut off at the invisible hole was the only indication differently.

     "Oh god," Chuck said, amazed.

     "Right, you next," You told him, yanking your hand from his grasp, "Thomas, help me give Chuck a hand?"

     "You're coming with me right?!" Chuck asked frantically, "I won't go if you're not coming too."

     You shut your eyes for a moment, opened them and said with a smile, "Of course, I'll be right behind you."

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