Chapter Fifty; "The chance that has to be taken"

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     There was something really peaceful about watching Chuck carve little figures out of wood, how careful he is with it. You thought that if you looked hard enough you could maybe find something that resembled you in the zoned in focus he had while carving. You never bothered to try, Chuck is superior, mastermind in the making.

     He cared about your opinion, always asking what you thought about the figure. You knew nothing about what he was doing and frankly if you gave it a shot you knew you would end up cutting the little wood man's head off by accident, but you complimented him on his work. It made his face light up, thrilled with motivation when you appreciated his hard work. Just that alone could make you smile.

     The peaceful moments were interrupted by heavy footsteps trucking through the forest, appearing from the trees to you two with hair still somehow flawless.

     "Hey Minho," Chuck said absently.

     "Hi Chuck- Y/n, can I talk to you?" He barely addressed Chuck, talking solely to you.

     "Can it wait? I'm learning from the master of carving here," You said, making Chuck beam proudly at you.

     "It's about the keepers meeting," Minho shrugged, "I mean if you want I can just say it in front of-"

     "Right, okay, let's go," You forcefully got up and gripped his arm, digging in your nails to make a point, "Be right back Chuck, stay here."

     You took him a distance away but still able to keep Chuck in your line of vision, not willing to take any chances with the creators.

     "What?" You asked.

     "It's a go," Minho said, "The keepers agreed, every single one. It wasn't even that hard. The keepers are out there right now trying to convince the gladers to follow along."

     You pressed your lips together and nodded curtly, "What's the plan?"

     "To figure out who's going to stay and who's going to go, pack up necessities, then go at nightfall," Minho explained, "The greenie and his girlfriend are in charge of the code, Thomas is practically running the show since it's his idea."

     There was no excitement that swelled in you, your throat just gave way to a bubble of anxiety, casting a look over at Chuck. He looked so happy right there.

     "Get excited, will you? This is what we've been waiting for! The chance you wanted!" He encouraged you.

     "The chance that has to be taken," You corrected, "I guess I should go explain to Chuck, huh?"

     "Make it sound less doom and gloom and more hopeful, you're being a downer!" He commented.

     "Shut up Minho," You muttered, "Anything else you need to say?"

     "I mean, we could talk about what happened in the workshop?" He suggested, "I feel like that's a conversation that needs to be had."

     You gave him a weary look, you wished he wouldn't question this. You didn't want to talk about it, not now.

     "Not right now," You said firmly.

     "Yeah, right, I figured," He quickly said, "Just thought of putting it out there."

     He put his hands in his pockets and looked away from you awkwardly.

     "Minho?" You said.

     He cleared his throat, "Yeah?"

     "After we survive, we can see what happens from there. But I doubt we're going to even get there. What happened was just a thing" You told him.

     He nodded, "Yeah, I was drunk and you were hot."

     You wetted your lips, wondering if the words rubbed him the wrong way as much as they did you. But you still agreed, "I was drunk and you were hot."

     You linked your arms behind your back and turned back to check on Chuck. You were glad you took him away from the glade, he could hear the news about the escape from you, and that would be best.

     "He'll be fine," Minho said, "He's got you."

     This did not comfort you in the slightest, it in fact, pissed you off.

     "He shouldn't have to be fine," You muttered, "He deserved better than this dumb place."

     "Then you can give him a better life, when we escape," Minho added a sarcastic note in his tone, "I'll leave you alone to go talk to him, the better you make it sound, the less panicked he'll be. So you might want to tone down your pessimism."

     "I'll do that right when you cut the sarcasm," You said right back, "Goodbye, Minho, go do something other than me."

     "Oh but it was so fun," He smirked but gave a taunting salute and walked off.

     As soon as he was out of sight you turned down your heels and headed toward Chuck.

     You did, in fact, intend to take his advice on toning down your pessimism. But over your dead body would he ever find that out.

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