Chapter Three; "You're the greenie?"

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Present Day
     "I'm coming! I'm coming!" You yelled when they continued to yell your name down the halls of the hogsmeade.

     You tossed Clint the rope that he used to restrain Ben more, Winston keeping him on the ground.

     "There are three of you in here and you can't bloody keep him under control?" Newt said, entering the room.

     "Slim it! We're doing the best we can! Ben's a jumpy one!" You snapped, slowly filling up a syringe with sedative and flicking it to get the air bubbles out, "Hold him still!"

     Both Winston and Clint did as you said while you injected him slowly in the neck, keeping his head pinned until his thrashing limbs fell limp against the floor.

     "This is not how I wanted to spend my shucking evening," You grumbled, then added, "Not Ben's fault but still."

     "Should have done that to begin with," Newt said.

     "We have a limited amount of sedatives. We don't exactly give it out like candy." You stood up straighter and glanced at the black veined boy strapped to the bed.

     "Keep him on a dosage of it. He'll keep us awake all bloody night with his whining," Newt told Clint and Jeff.

     "Watch your mouth, it's not Ben's fault he was stung and he's going through it the best he can," You snapped, "I don't want him awake and in pain, keep using sedatives when he starts to come to."

     Even if your time as the Keeper of the medjacks was in the past they both still listened to you, knowing that out of the three you remained the most experienced in this field.

     You stalked out to disinfect the syringe and place it back with the few left in the med jack storage. Newt followed behind you.


     "Don't worry about it."


     You turned to him and he grabbed your sleeve to stop you from walking away.

     "I didn't mean to sound harsh," He said.

     You nodded, "I know. Don't apologize, I know it gets on your nerves. Just don't talk about him like he's the scum of earth."

     "Right, I won't," He agrees, letting your sleeve go.

     You sat in one of the wooden chairs in the room, Newt sitting on a bed beside you.

     "How's the greenie doing?" You asked.

     "Pretty klunked out still, Chuck should be with him by now," Newt replied.

     You nodded, "Good, Little man will be good for him."

     "I had the same thought. You can't hate Chuck, he can be annoying at times but you can't hate him."

     "That's opinion based," You said, "I think he's wonderful."

     "Yeah well you're a bloody sucker when it comes to him, would give him the moon if you could."

     You shrugged but didn't argue.

     "Is the greenie anything good?" You continued.

     "Maybe, don't know, might have him work in the gardens with me and see how that works. Might be a builder but he seems smarter than that," He smiled a little.

     You looked him up and down with suspicion, "What? He good looking?"

     Newt leaned back and looked away from you at the far wall, "He ain't half bad. Nice eyes."

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