01. the hellfire club - part one

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"WAIT UP!" Steve's voice shouted from somewhere behind, though Jackie had no doubt that he'd catch up to her soon. It wasn't very windy out for a late day in March, but the speed she was running at had loosened her ponytail, and now her hair had fallen to its place below her shoulders.

Heart thundering in her chest, she risked looking back at him with a grin. "You're gonna make me late! Hurry up!"

"I'm going to make you late?!" Steve repeated, and she could see his baffled expression, even from how far up ahead she was. "You're the one who can't keep her hands off me!"

She couldn't help but laugh, and it made her chest burn even more. She paused right next to the building, leaning a hand on it for support as Steve caught up. Jackie fixed her shirt, and smacked his arm during the process. "Actually, you're the one who can't keep it in his pants."

"Oh, yeah, sure," Steve scoffed, not even seemingly out of breath like she was. The bastard. "Blame it all on me. As if you didn't go on break specifically for some Steve D."

"Ew," Jackie pulled a look of disgust, but her smile was obvious. "Don't ever say that again."

"What? I came up with that in the spot. Aren't you impressed?"

Jackie's way of answering is staring at him blankly, and it was the first time she got the chance to see the smudged lipstick on his cheek. She wiped it with her thumb, unable control the laugh she let out. "By the way, genius, you have sex hair."

"God's sake," he murmured, hurriedly rushing to fix it. "Better?"

Jackie pursed her lips in attempt not to snort. "That's one word for it."

"You've gotta fix it!" Steve insisted, prying her hands from her sides and putting them into his hair. "Robin will go ballistic. If she doesn't taunt us until no end, she'll get all mopey because of Cynthia."

Rolling her eyes dramatically, Jackie flattened his hair out to the best of her abilities. She knew he was right—about both, but especially about Robin's newfound feelings about couples. Cynthia had gone away for college two states over in late August, she explained to them that it had been sort of a last minute application, and that she kept it quiet incase she didn't get accepted. To their shock, she showed up one day to one of their lunch dates with some news.

Robin was devastated of course, but she tried not to let it show. She said that there hadn't really been much between them in the first place, but Jackie could read her better than she thought; she knew Robin had wanted there to be more. Anyway, apparently now there was someone new. Robin was very vague on the details of whom, but from Jackie's understanding, the girl was in band with her.

"Oh, shit. I still haven't told her about Cynthia not coming back for spring break. Have you said anything?"

"Uh, hello?" Steve did the weird hand thing he always does when he thinks someone is being ridiculous. Jackie raised a brow but let him continue. "This cat only has six lives left."

"That makes absolutely zero sense. Like, at all. Come on," she patted his chest and took a step over one of the parking cement blocks. "I have some skate boards to sell."

One of the best things about the strip mall she worked at, was that Steve's job was literally right next to hers, which meant she got to see two of her favorite people almost all of the time.

"I don't get how that place is even still in business," Steve said, guiding her up the ledge to the walkway. "I see one person walk in there a day."

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