12. the bite - part two

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THEY GATHERED AROUND the bathroom door to peer out of it, watching as the crowd from the movie they were just at dispersed, trickling out the exit slowly. "Blend," Dustin commanded, and they all swiftly walked into the middle of the stampede, trying their best not to look out of place.

Jackie clutched Steve's hand tightly as they got closer to the doors, hoping it looked like a casual hand holding thing and not a I-really-hope-we-don't-die thing.

"Well shit," Erica said, sounding impressed. "That worked."

"Yeah," Cynthia agreed. "I'm a little shocked, too."

"Of course it worked," Dustin replied smugly. "Now we just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home here we come."

"Uh, Dustin," Steve spoke up, almost reluctantly. Jackie glanced over to him quizzically.


"Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house."


"Well, I might've told them your full name."

Dustin turned his head, brows shooting up beneath his hairline. "What is wrong with you?"

"Dude," Steve defended. "I was drugged."


"So?" Steve repeated.

"So you resist! You tough it out! You tough it out like a man!"

"Oh yeah, that's easy for you to say."

"For real," Jackie cut in. "I called a Russian with tools that could kill me an ugly bald bastard to his face. You can't help what you say when you're on that shit."

Steve tensed, his eyes nervously darting towards her. "So you remember stuff that you said?"

"Um?" Jackie blinked, confused. "Yes?"

"What else do you remember?"

"I remember you almost getting your fingernail taken off, Dustin stabbing that evil Russian doctor with a sparkily shiney electric wand. Oh, and I remember going bizzirk for a smoothie. Good times."

"That's it?"

"I guess," she narrowed her eyes. "Why are you being weird?"

"I'm not!"

"You are! Robin—why is he being weird?" She shrugged in response, but the glint in her eyes told Jackie otherwise. Robin did know why he was being weird. "Ugh, whatever."

"Guys?" Cynthia asked, putting a hand on Dustin's shoulder, causing the group to pause. They all raised their heads to see men dressed in all black, checking people on their way out.

"Jesus Christ. Can we catch a break?" Jackie groaned. "I miss my bed, I miss being clean. And I also miss not knowing that there was a secret Russian base under this hellhole of a mall!"

"Abort!" Dustin commanded, just in time for one of the men to look their direction. The six of them briskly walked the opposite direction, before breaking out into sprints once the crowd got smaller and they could actually move.

Russian voices spoke from behind them, and Jackie spared a rushed glance backwards, and her heart dropped into her stomach. They were onto them.

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