16. papa - part two

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FORMING A plan was seemingly more difficult than actually executing one. They brainstormed dozens of ways on how to carry through with Max's idea, plus Dustin's original theory, until Eddie slapped a newspaper onto the table.

The group formed around him. Jackie read the image he was pointing at, which showed a man with long hair holding a gun, the American flag in the background. "Check this out," he said. "The War Zone. I've been there once. It's huge. They got everything you need for, uh... well, killing things, basically."

"You think fake Rambo has enough guns there?" Robin asked. "Is that a grenade? I mean, how is any of this legal?"

"Well, lucky for us it is, so. This place is just far enough outside of Hawkins. As long as we steer clear of main roads, we oughta be able to avoid cops and, uh, angry hicks."

"If we're trying to avoid angry hicks, maybe we shouldn't go to dome store called the War Zone."

"Without any protection, you mean," Jackie cut in. They turned to look at her in confusion, and she flashed a grin, quickly breaking away from the group. "When Vecna got me here, I had come for two things. To apologize to my mom. And for..." She climbed onto the couch, and reached into one of the cabinets that hung above it. She pushed a box aside, and unwrapped the paper that was hiding the gun Hopper had given her the previous summer. Jackie hopped off the furniture and showed them. "This."

"Well, you've officially lost it," Steve said. "Put those damn headphones on."

"Well, Jackie is supplying us with protection against hicks," Nancy mused. "Anybody else have any concerns?"

"Yes," Dustin spoke up. "It'll take all day to bike there and back."

"I mean, mine and Steve's cars are here," Jackie bit her lip. "But there still wouldn't be enough room to fit all of us, plus our new toys. Some of us could just stay here and hold down the fort."

"I do have an idea," Eddie straightened upright. "It's not exactly a car. And it's not exactly mine, but it'll do."

Jackie grimaced. "I'm not liking the sound of that."

"Hey, Double Trouble," Eddie turned to the Mayfield sisters. "Either of you got a ski mask, or a bandanna, something like that?"

They shared a look. Max nodded her head after a moment. "I may have something."

Eddie looked absolutely ridiculous in Max's old Halloween mask, and it took everything inside of Jackie not to bust out laughing. He quickly explained the plan, and soon, they were all outside, ducking behind a trailer. Eddie peaked out, and then ushered for them to follow. Traveling in a big group like this wasn't exactly subtle, and Jackie was shocked with how well they were pulling it off.

They maneuvered through the trailer park, until they were at the end. Eddie let them to the side of a decent sized RV, and slid open a window. He easily climbed into it. Steve paused, looking to Jackie. "Is your ankle healed enough for something like this?"

"Trust me, if it was hurting, I'd be making it everyone's problem," she eyed his worried expression, then sighed. "I'm okay. Promise."

They piled into the camper one by one, until finally, they were all safely inside. Eddie hotwired it from the front. Jackie watched him, dubiously. The engine roared to life, and the owners started to pound on the door.

"Oh, shit."

Chaos erupted, and Steve demanded they all found something to grab on to. Jackie fell into one of the couches next to Robin as the vehicle began to rock with every movement. "They look pissed!" Dustin yelled.

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