20. epilogue

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JACKIE SLUMPED in the hospital chair next to Max's bed, biting her lip, watching the doctor check her vitals. He shot her a quick look. "No changes yet. Heartbeat still the same... she's a little clogged in her lungs, but I wouldn't be too worried."

Her mother nodded. "Thanks."

After he left, Susan turned to her. "I'm going to go home and shower. Do you need anything? Why don't you come with me, honey? Catch up on some sleep."

"No," Jackie answered, afraid to do either of those things. Afraid that Vecna would finish Max off if she left, and afraid to sleep because what if he took it upon himself to visit her in her dreams? "I'm good, mom. Promise."

Susan kissed her forehead, then left the room. Jackie sunk deeper into her chair, pulling the hoodie strings tighter around her knuckles. She didn't know how long she stayed staring out the window before someone tapped lightly on the door. She wasn't surprised to see Steve standing there with a bouquet of flowers. She smiled at him.

It had been less than a week, but every day Steve had brought a new thing of flowers for Max, and even if the old ones hadn't died yet, he would switch them out in the vase that sat on the bedside table. Jackie found it incredibly endearing.

"Hey," he said, nodding at her, his gaze falling to her hoodie. "Oh, I was wondering where that went."

"Yeah, I sometimes sneak into your room late at night and steal the clothes you leave lying everywhere."

"You're such a gremlin," Steve gave her a teasing smirk, leaning down to kiss her gently. "How are you holding up?"

Jackie reverted her gaze back to Max. "Her vitals haven't changed."

"At least they're not getting worse," he responded absently. Jackie watched him remove the flowers from the previous day to put the new ones in. Her heart swelled. "And as much as I'd love to hear about how Max is doing, I asked about you."

She shrugged. "I'm fine."

Steve approached her dubiously. "Yeah? That's what people usually say when they're the opposite of fine."

"I just don't know what to do."

He fell into the chair next to her. "Why don't you help us with the donations later? It'll give you a sense of, uh... responsibility, and accomplishment. Sorry, gross. Those are Nancy's words, not mine. But I really want you to come regardless."

"I don't have much to donate, Steve."

"That's okay, I do. I'll give you a bunch of my old baby clothes and you can pretend they're yours."

She tried not to smile. "Why would I have a bunch of boy baby clothes?"

"Look," he waved a hand. "Don't get too technical on me here, okay? Just come."

"I'll think about it."

He nodded, satisfied with that answer, and stood up. She took note of the mischievous glint in his eye, before he leaned down and flicked the hood off her head. Jackie reached to smack him in retaliation, but he was already speeding out the door, and she was wearing a grin without even knowing it.

In the end, Susan pressured Jackie into helping with the donation drive to keep her mind off of things, and she only half-heartedly agreed. The Mayfields really didn't have much left to give away, and despite Steve's offer, Jackie gathered a couple of blankets, a few cans of food from the back of the kitchen cabinets, and met up with the others at the Wheeler house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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