05. will the wise

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"DUSTIN!" A FEMININE voice called, and Jackie turned to see an older woman with shoulder length brown hair and wrinkled clothing approaching. Jackie scanned her face, noting how her features resembled Jonathan's. This must've been their mother. "What's going on? Where's Will?"

"Mrs. Byers?" Dustin asked, his brows raised in confusion as he stepped closer to her, brushing past Jackie.

The back door banged open, and Lucas appeared. His eyes were widened, and he swallowed as he noticed Mrs. Byers. "The field."

After sharing another brief, confused look with Max, the four of them took of sprinting after Will's mom. She had no idea what "the field" entailed, or where it even was, but that was the last thing on her mind as they rounded a corner and stumbled across the scene in front of them.

Jackie's jaw dropped when she saw Will standing there, his eyes closed, his body shaking, almost as if he was possessed or something among the sort. Max clutched her sister's hand in fear as they watched the scene unravel before them.

"I think he's having another episode!" Mike yelled, the fear clear as day in his voice.

Mrs. Byers ran up to her son, taking him by the shoulders. "Will! Sweetie wake up! It's mom! Wake up! Can you hear me? Sweetie, please!"

The kids all shared terrified looks, and Jackie suddenly felt the urge to pull all of them into a comforting hug. She didn't, however, considering the circumstances and the fact that she hardly knew any of them.

"Wake up! It's me!" Her voice cracked at the end of her sentence, making Jackie swallow the lump in her throat. Finally, Will let out a gasp, and his eyes flew open. A sense of relief settled through the group, but Jackie was still too stunned to stop herself from saying,

"What the fuck?"

The five of them trailed silently after Will and his mom, all stopping once they got to the front of the school. Jackie watched as Mrs. Byers carefully helped settle Will into her car, a good fifteen feet away from where they were standing. "Okay that totally freaked me out," Max admitted, looking back to their group. "Did that not freak you guys out?"

"Two episodes in two days. It's getting worse," Lucas mused, as if he hadn't heard Max at all, staring after Will when he got into the car.

"This has something to do with what happened to him last year, doesn't it?" Jackie questioned without thinking, remembering Jonathan's words from the party. He'd looked so fearful after confessing it to her, but she didn't dare think press the matter. It wasn't her business, but now she was way too invested to keep her mind off of the entire thing.

Mike spun on her. "How the hell do you know that?"

She held up her hands, "relax! Jonathan told me something bad happened to him last year. That's it. Pull the stick out of your ass and take a chill pill."

"Yes," Lucas replied gently. "It does."

"You can't tell them, Lucas!" Dustin snapped.

"Can you all calm down? I don't want details, I'm just worried for the poor kid, damn. That had to be terrifying."

Lucas turned back to Mike. "You think it's True Sight?"

"What's True Sight?" Max asked nervously, clearly worried she'd cause another freak out amongst them.

"It's nothing."

"Real convincing, you gotta work on your lying techniques." Jackie said sarcastically with a pointed look, before sighing, and glancing to her sister. "Max, come on. Mom is gonna kill us if we get home any later."

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