19. the piggyback - part three

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SEEING VECNA in person, like, really in person, and not just in her head, sent shivers down Jackie's spine. The others had no idea what to expect, and their expressions spoke volumes. Vecna was unmoving, dozens of tentacles growing from his sides, and he was floating right in the center of the attic.

They were silent as they gathered their materials. Jackie's nerves were on end as she handed Steve a bottle of gasoline. Robin nodded once, and flipped the lighter open. Jackie took a step back when Steve launched the object directly at Vecna.

He came to life before them, writhing out in pain. The vines holding him upwards snapped, breaking him free, and he collapsed onto the ground. Jackie shared a look with Nancy, both of them readying the guns in their hands. Jackie knew her gun was only for backup in the rare case that Nancy's ran out of ammo, but that didn't stop her from clutching it tightly.

For a moment, Vecna stood staring at them. His gaze wavered on each person, until it landed on Jackie. It almost seemed like his mouth itched up into a smirk. She felt her insides chill, and her skin seemed to prickle. Robin broke the spell, throwing another thing of gasoline at him, which sent him stumbling.

Nancy stepped forward, her gun raised. And she didn't miss. Not once. Jackie was impressed, and she knew the others were thinking the same. Each shot shook Vecna, and sent him bulking backwards. The final blow sent Vecna flying through the weakened wood of the house, and he disappeared from sight seconds after.

They rushed back out of the house. The vines, which had been their first original challenge, shrank back as Jackie led the way. She watched them shrivel away each time she planted a foot onto the floor, her confusion growing.

What the hell had Vecna done to her? And why?

The rest of the group had been so focused on getting to the front yard, that Jackie didn't think they'd even noticed what was going on. The threat of the vines was gone, which meant they could freely step through the house. Once they reached the door, the four stopped short. Vecna was nowhere to be seen.

Steve let out a frustrated groan. "Where the hell is he?"

"He should've been right here," Robin exited the house, taking a cautious glance around. Jackie looked to see the splintered wood from the house surrounding them.

"Well, obviously the guy is a sore loser," Jackie stuffed her gun back into her belt, trying to fight off the surge of panic in her chest. Because she knew, despite her lame-attempt to lighten the mood, she knew.

He wasn't gone. Maybe he was out of sight. Maybe he was weakened. But... she could feel him. And she probably deserved to be sent to the psych ward for even thinking something like that, but it was true. Vecna was wounded, but he wasn't dead. It was only a matter of time before he returned.

A clocked chimed. Dread filled Jackie's chest, and they all spun to follow the sound. Another chime. Jackie's body seemed to freeze, and they stared at the clock. It chimed again. And again.

"No," she whispered. "No. No."

"Oh, God," Robin clasped a hand over her mouth.

Nancy's eyes widened. "Max."

The house shook. Jackie stumbled into the staircase, bracing herself against it. Her head felt like it was going to explode.

Four chimes.

Four deaths.

"We need to get out of here," Jackie said, her voice dangerously low, and not even sounding like her. "Right now."

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