05. the sauna test - part one

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"THAT KEYCARD OPENS the door," Dustin explained to the older teens the next day, the four of them gathered around the small table in the break room at Scoops, staring at him as he spoke."But unfortunately, the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun. Whatever's in this room, whatever is in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it."

Jackie shifted on Steve's legs, making his hands slide off her waist onto her lap. She ignored the butterflies that formed in her stomach. "So, that's great. What now?"

"There's gotta be a way in," Robin mused, her gaze distant as if she was deep in thought.

"Without getting shot at immediately?" Cynthia questioned, pursing her lips. "I doubt it. But the curiosity is gonna kill me before those guards do."

"Well," Steve leaned forward, his chest pressing against her back at the movement. "You know, I could just take him out."

"Take who out?" Robin asked, raising her brows as she looked to Steve. Jackie shot him a look.

"The Russian guard," Steve stated, as if the answer was obvious. The girls turned to stare at him in disbelief. "What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy."

Jackie scoffed, "we talked about this yesterday. You couldn't even beat Billy or Jonathan in a fight. Also, did you not hear the part about the massive gun?"

"Yes, Jackie, I did."

"Clearly you didn't," Dustin said, annoyed. "Steve, the gun was MASSIVE!" He moved his arms out dramatically to show him the size of the weapon.

"No, I heard. And that's why I would be sneaking." Jackie climbed off his lap with an eye roll, and went to stand next to the younger boy in the room as she crossed her arms.

"Ah," Dustin breathed. "Well, please, tell me this, and be honest. The past two fights we've seen you in, you've lost. So have you actually ever won a fight?"

"No," Jackie answered for him, earning a glare from her boyfriend. "He hasn't. I mean, you're kinda filled out, but by the looks of the Russian guard's muscles, he could totally kill you with one punch."

"You were checking out the Russian's muscles?" Steve questioned, completely ignoring the point of her sentence as he leaned forward in his seat. "Seriously? While the rest of us were busy trying to figure out what was in those boxes and how to get into the room, you were making love goo-goo eyes at the enemy."

"Steve," Jackie snapped impatiently, though she couldn't deny the fact that she loved he was getting jealous over a literal stranger. "You know that's not what I meant—"

"Tell me, what else did you notice about this Russian guard? Nice eyes? Nice hair? Did he have a six pack?"

"Well, he didn't have any hair. He was bald," Jackie answered, narrowing her eyes at him as he quirked a brow. "And will you shut up? It's not like I'm gonna run off with the enemy. Even if I wanted to—which I don't, you dipshit, I have a boyfriend with perfectly good hair, and eyes, and muscles. So chill out before the next fight you get into is with me."

"Wait," Steve paused, his eyes lighting up. "Run off with the enemy. You could seduce him!"

"I am not a prostitute!" Jackie yelled, smacking his arm. "You pig."

"Okay," Robin interrupted, straightening up, briefly glancing to Cynthia. "Let's get back to the point, shall we? I have an idea." She suddenly darted out the room, grabbing money from the tip jar.

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