07. the spy - part one

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"WAIT A SECOND," Steve demanded after Dustin explained why they were going to his house. Jackie stared outside the windshield, gnawing at her lip, struggling to wrap her head around the entire thing. Steve's hand was still on the wheel even though the car was in park, and he was looking at Dustin in disbelief. "How big?"


"I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard," Steve insisted, and Jackie pressed a palm to her eye, holding back a groan. Her brain felt ready to explode.

"It's not!"

"How do you know it's not?" Steve pressed on, clearly not believing him. Jackie couldn't blame him. The entire thing felt like a big prank on her. It was nice not feeling completely left out and non-superstitious for once.

"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat!" Dustin snapped, and Steve grew quiet, quirking an eyebrow, before he nodded slowly in understanding.

"That thing was not a lizard," Jackie cut in, backing Dustin up. "I don't know what it was, but it definitely wasn't that."

"You've seen it?"

"Yeah, I helped Dustin look for it." I just can't believe he ate your cat. She was completely shocked that something so small that could fit in your palm three days ago was now the size of a golden retriever. A thought sprung on her suddenly, and she turned in her seat, narrowing her eyes accusingly at Dustin. "You told us you didn't find him when we were searching at the school."

Dustin's face paled slightly. "I lied, okay? Jeez, I didn't want Lucas to get all pissy at me."

"Uh," Jackie gave him a look. "He kinda ate your cat. I think Lucas was in the right here."

They climbed out of the car, and made their way to the back of the vehicle. Steve popped the trunk, and pulled out the bat Dustin had mentioned. Her eyes scanned it in shock. "This is insane. Why the hell do you even have that?"

"Yeah, I thought so too." Steve admitted, looking back to Dustin who started to walk towards his house. "Jackie," his tone softened a bit. "Let me know if this gets too much for you, alright? I'll drive you home. This shit goes deep, deeper than you'd realize, and I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to be caught up in it."

She pursed her lips, "I'll tell you if it gets too overwhelming. But right now the only thing I want to do is know what's going on."

Steve hesitated before nodding. "Okay, let's go then."

They walked to Dustin's backyard, and the youngest boy lead them to the cellar entrance. The three of them stared at the doors in silence, trying to listen for any sound of movement, or any indicator that something was alive down there. Steve leaned forward so he could get a better idea of what he was dealing with. "I don't hear shit," he stated after a minute.

Jackie straightened from her crouching position. "Yeah, me either. Are you sure you didn't imagine it? I mean Dart was small."

"No, Jackie," Dustin defended himself a little sharply. "I didn't imagine my cat getting eaten on my bedroom floor okay? I'm also not lying. So open the damn door. He's in there."

Steve reluctantly tapped the door with the bat in his hands, clearly hoping to get some sort of reaction. The sound echoed throug the eerie forest behind them, but besides that there was no other sign of anything in the basement. Steve hit the door again, harder this time, but still no noise came from below.

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